Cutting hole through tube

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Terry G, Mar 1, 2004.

  1. Terry G

    Terry G Guest

    I am having a difficult time figuring out how to cut a simple 5/8" diameter
    hole through a 1.5" diameter tube.

    I have drawn my tube using the sweep feature. I then sketched a 5/8" circle
    on the tube where i want the hole. I have tried placing the circle in the
    middle of the tube and on the surface of the tube. This is as far as I get.
    I can not seem to figure out how to extrude this circle to cut my hole
    through the tube.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Terry G, Mar 1, 2004
  2. Terry,

    Make the sketch of the hole you want on a plane, not directly on the
    tube. The plane can be one of the main planes that already exist or on
    a new plane that you construct. Then just extrude-cut through the 1.5"
    diameter tube. Make sure that the sketch of the hole will pass thru the
    tube. Usually, sketches are extruded 'normal' to the plane upon which
    they are created, but in 2004 one can extrude at an angle by following
    another sketched direction, shown on yet another plane. There are many
    different terminations to the extrude-cut - the simplest is probably
    'through-all', pointing in the direction towards the tube.

    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Mar 1, 2004
  3. Terry G

    Tony Guest

    If you drawn the tube centered on the origin/planes. Select one of the other
    planes draw a circle and extrude each way to the surface. That way, if you
    change your tube dia, the hole still penetrates to the outside.
    Tony O'Hara
    Tony, Mar 1, 2004
  4. Terry G

    Terry G Guest

    I have tried your exact explanation many times, so I must be missing a very
    obvious step. Here is what I am doing.

    I created two circles in my first sketch, one to determine the outside
    diameter and one the inside diameter of my tube. Then I drew a line
    perpendicular to the center of my circle to determine the length of my tube.
    I then used the sweep function to create my tube.

    The bottom of my tube is centered at the origin, and the axis of the tube is
    along the Y axis. Now I am starting a new sketch, selecting a plane, either
    the front or right plane, and drawing a circle with .325 radius centered
    exactly 1 inch above the bottom of my tube. The problem is that the
    extrude-cut option is not available. I have tired creating this circle on
    different planes and still no extrude-cut option.\

    When you said not to make my circle directly on the tube, I'm not sure what
    you mean. When I start my sketch, I select a plane, and the circle I draw
    happens to fall right inside the middle of the tube. I'm not sure how to
    draw the circle away from the tube and still achieve the cut I want at that
    exact location. Maybe this is my problem.

    Like I said, I am probably overlooking something obvious. Thanks for the
    Terry G, Mar 1, 2004
  5. Terry G

    kenneth b Guest

    you could just extrude the first sketch (no real need to sweep a straight
    tube). you can even draw a single circle & do a thin-extrude
    you're there, not sure why you can't cut. select the sketch first, then
    cut-extrude should become active
    kenneth b, Mar 1, 2004
  6. Maybe the sweep is what's stopping it. With your first two circles in the
    sketch, forget the line and instead of using a sweep, try an extruded boss.
    This should work.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 1, 2004
  7. Terry G

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Ok, two things... and pardon me if I misunderstood something...

    1) when you make your tube try the extrude rather than sweep. you can do it
    the way you are but it's the long way around for what you've described.

    2) I followed your described steps exactly and it worked as expected. It
    sounds to me like you created your tube using "Insert - Surface - Sweep"
    instead of "Insert - Boss/Extrude Sweep". Go back and double check, I bet
    the ends of your tube are open and the space between the inside and outside
    walls is empty. You're looking for a solid and ending up with two surfaces
    instead. Besides that, consider point 1.

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Mar 1, 2004
  8. Paul Salvador, Mar 1, 2004
  9. Terry G

    Terry G Guest

    It looks as if the sweep function does not allow a cut extrude feature. I
    did create my tube using a revolve boss and extruded boss and the extrude
    cut worked perfect. This bothers me though. Because the straight tubes are
    not a problem now, but I have also designed a tube frame with many odd bends
    and angles using the sweep function. So how would I notch out a hole in the
    frame without the extrude-cut feature being available. I tested this out,
    and sure enough, it is not even highlighted when I open my frame.sldprt
    file. Same problem I had when I used the sweep function for my tube.

    I wonder what reasons solidworks would have not allowing an extrude-cut
    function on a tube that uses the sweep feature? I thought the sweep feature
    was one of the more common ways to design round tube frames.

    Thanks for all the help.
    Terry G, Mar 1, 2004
  10. Terry G

    kenneth b Guest

    cut-extrude works for me using a sweep
    kenneth b, Mar 1, 2004
  11. Terry,

    Without seeing your file, it's not clear what is going on from what you
    have stated.
    And you've stated so far does not make sense, those functions do and
    should work.

    You can send the file to me if you want (less than 2 megs, zipped,

    Paul Salvador, Mar 1, 2004
  12. Terry G

    Terry G Guest

    Problem solved thanks to everyone's help.

    I was using the Insert - Surface - Sweep. I deleted that feature on my
    tubes and frame and used the sweep boss/base feature, and the extrude cut
    works perfect. I don't know why I chose the surface sweep. Still learning!

    I am amazed out how quickly I received responses. Thanks again to everyone.
    What a great group.
    Terry G, Mar 1, 2004
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