Cutting Drawings off - Partial Fix

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by livn4_chaos, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. livn4_chaos

    livn4_chaos Guest

    I have figure out that in Acad 2005 the Precision setting has changed.

    All my files have a precision setting of 0'-0 1/32", which worked fine in Acad 2000.

    Meaning if I checked the scale of my border it would list it as 1.0000.....but now I have to change the precision setting to 0'-0 1/256" to find the scale of the border is now 1.0000458. I then re-scale the border to equal 1.000000 and it will plot correctly (which in Acad 2000 it would do fine).

    Does a setting or new setting exist (var?) that will allow me to change the precision it looks at when plotting?

    Hopefully this makes sense.....
    livn4_chaos, Nov 17, 2004
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