Is there anyway of getting a cut size from a flat pattern of sheetmetal to update in custom properties in a part -- ---------------------------- Couray Sheetmetal 9 Apsley Plc. Seaford Melbourne. Australia. PH 03 97861609 ---------------------------
I haven't had to try this myself but here's an idea... 1) create a config just for the flat pattern (like the old days) 2) create a rectangular sketch tied to that config and constrained to the outer edges of the flat pattern 3) add 2 named dims (or maybe even a formula) to the sketch and refer to their values in the prop's Just an idea. Again, I haven't needed to try this yet. - Eddy
That works unless you have a rolled cylinder, or it doesn't work for me totally. With a rolled cyclinder, if you have a rolled and flat configuration, and have your part set to rolled, change the diameter of the cylinder, and then rebuild, the length property will not change until you activate that configuration. Unless I'm missing something else... What I do is just create a construction line in a sketch and give it a dimension that is tied to an Equation that calculates the length or width. If it is a cylinder, it calcs the length of the arc, based on the bend factor. Rude and crude, but it has worked for 3 years this way.
I like your approach. And it's proven. Mine is just theory anyway. I believe you're right, you'd have to activate the flat configuration to get it to update the reference dim's when the part changes. - Eddy
Thanks guys. I think i will go with Mr. Pickles idea. It would be nice if in the future it might be possible
It is totally possible, since the fearure tree runs in order. To get it to update reliably every time, after the part is complete insert an unfold, after it is unfolded insert a sketch on the flat surface, then convert the overall edges and place a dimension on the length and width, now tie these dimensions to the custom props. In my case i the tie these to a note on the drawing. Now fold up the part and you have a nice way to keep the cutlist updated all the time. Shane Klassen, Senior Designer/Drafter Controlled Environments Limited (CONVIRON) 590 Berry Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3H 0R9 Voice: 204-786-6451 Toll Free:1-800-363-6451 Fax: 204-783-7736 WWW:
It has always been my experience that when you fold up the part again, the dimension updates to reflect the actual 3D distance between the endpoints, which is now something other than the flat dimension. You would have to poll that dimension property only when the flat pattern is the active config. WT
I just did something similar. After FlatPattern1 add a sketch on the face of the part convert entities on the face and add the desired dimension. Make that sketch supressed in the folded config and unsupressed in the flattened config. Then add this dimension to the custom props and nomatter what config you end in you always keep the true flattened length. Corey Scheich
Suppress it - that's the key! If it's unsuppressed in the folded versions, it updates, but if it's suppressed it doesn't update, and it's only unsuppressed when the flat pattern is the active one. Excellent! WT
That's why you insert a sketch, Solidworks works in order, so when it regens or rebuilds. it will unfold, updated the sketch, update the dimensions, which updates the custom props, then folds back up. it has to be done with the features. unfold sketch fold try it it works.
I just re read this, you do this in the regular default stae of the part not the flat pattern config. the sheet metal features include a fold and unfold. these commands are the one to use. as features in the part with the sketch in the middle. so it becomes a feature not a config. If you would like an example please let me know. I messed with this for a while. to find this solution. You are correct that if you use the flat config. the dimensions will change. Shane
I just did it and it worked just like you would think it should. I didn't try it in a drawing yet, but the property updated properly. I see that I was still on the wrong track with the suppressed idea as that dimension WON'T change until the config is activated, and therefore you could have a changed model in the folded stage, but the property tied to the dim could still be wrong. Thanks. WT
Thanks again i will try these out next week as i am now on hollidays for a week, I hope this all works as I have a lot of cut sizes to work out and am tring hard to automate this as much as possible. Once again thanks for the help.