Cut List not grouping identical weldments??

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bullman, Mar 1, 2006.

  1. Bullman

    Bullman Guest


    I have only recently begun dealing with weldments and cut lists.
    On the part I am working on, it seems that SW2006 is NOT (apparently)
    correctly grouping similar/identical weldment items in my Cut List.

    ie. The Cut List on the part/drawing indicates that there are more
    unique weldments than what I know there should be.

    What criteria does SW check in order to detemine if two weldements
    should listed as belonging to the same Cut List Item folder?

    How can I correct/work around this situation?


    Bullman, Mar 1, 2006
  2. Bullman

    mow Guest

    First try right mouse clicking on the cut list icon in the feature tree
    making sure automatic is checked and then try update. If this doesn't
    work you my have to delete the cut list and recreate it. Also you my
    want to check what SP your running we had some problems with this in
    ealier SP in 06.
    mow, Mar 1, 2006
  3. Bullman

    John Layne Guest

    Copied this from a answer I gave to a similar post last year (Google
    "Cut List")

    You can click and drag the "Structural Member" out of the "Cut List
    Item" folder drag it to the "Cut List" then right click it and "Create
    Cut List Item"

    It also sometimes doesn't recognise the fact that two items are
    identical, in which case you can drag the "Structural Member" from one
    "Cut List Item" folder to another.
    John Layne, Mar 1, 2006
  4. Bullman

    Zander Guest

    Also, be aware that a weldment item that is the mirror of another will
    incorrectly be identifed as identical. I ran into this last year a few
    times, actually ended up with a bit of scrap aluminum! Although it's
    possible they fixed that problem.

    Zander, Mar 2, 2006
  5. Bullman

    Bullman Guest

    Thanks for the tips.
    Deleting and recreating the cut list did not fix the problem.
    The SW installation in 2006 SP0 but when the part is opened and a new
    cut list generated on a PC with the latest SP it still incorrectly
    separates the two identical weldements int the list.
    As suggested, I can drag and drop the elements into whatever Cut List
    Item folder you like, essentially overwitring whatever SW thinks. If
    you do this I see that the cut list table in your drawing updates
    automatically to refelct these changes but any balloon callouts do not.
    In fact, I have noticed that once the initial ballon callouts have
    been assigned, any further changes to anything in the cut list (changed
    order, regroupings etc) ARE NOT reflected at all in the call outs.
    It seems that once the balloon call out it placed in a drawing, it
    essentially immediately becomes "orphaned".

    I have found that ANY changes to the cutlist in either part or the
    drawing cutlist table will not be refected in the balloon callouts.

    Is this how it is or have I missed something? It is extremely tedious
    and annoying on a part with 30+ weldments having to delete then
    recreate and reposition new ones because you want to modify in some way
    the cut list grouping/order etc.

    Also, where is the information that holds the weldment "Description" in
    a part as seen in the drawing cut list table stored/kept or when you
    right click the Cut List Item folder and select Properties? I have one
    weldment I am using that keeps on showing the wrong "Description" in
    the cut list. I want to cpermanently edut it but I haven't been able
    to do it. I can edit the Description field in the part by editing the
    Cut List Item properties, and the change gets refelcted in the drawing
    cut list table, but if I delete the cut list from the part and recreate
    the cut list, the same incorrect description keeps popping up when it
    is recreated. Where is this information being held?

    This whole weldments thing seems kind broken :(

    Bullman, Mar 2, 2006
  6. Bullman

    John Layne Guest

    balloons update in SolidWorks 2005 SP5, (I think) I'll test again tomorrow.

    These custom properties, as you have discovered, can be overwritten in
    the weldment. However the default properties are stored in the weldment
    profile. If you want a different default description you need to make a
    custom profile and alter the properties within that custom profile.
    Details on making a custom profile can be found in the help file.

    Just wait till you make an edrawing of one, you'll pull your hair out.
    To get the edrawing to work you can't have shaded views on, or a least
    you can't in 2005.
    John Layne, Mar 2, 2006
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