customizing toolbars

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mark, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Mark

    Mark Guest

    I've been doing a lot of assembly work lately and am using component
    patterns quite heavily. It seems like a pretty logical thing that I
    should be able to customize my Assembly toolbar and add a button to
    "Insert (Linear/Circular/Feature) Component Pattern" - but I can't
    find such a button in the Command section of the Customize dialog;
    there's no Insert group, and the commands in question don't seem to be
    under Assembly or anywhere else either. Am I missing something
    Mark, Apr 3, 2007
  2. Hmmm, I would have also thought they were there. I see that you can assign
    hotkeys to them, though.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 3, 2007
  3. Mark

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Hmmm. Looks like your right. That must be why I memorized the hotkey
    sequence to instert patterns. Alt-i,p,f for a fature pattern, etc.
    Dale Dunn, Apr 3, 2007
  4. Mark

    scottaw Guest

    Would a macro be a convienent work around for this?
    scottaw, Apr 4, 2007
  5. Mark

    Mark Guest

    Yes...but from my brief flip through the API help, I don't see a way
    to use a macro to simply call up a feature manager panel rather than
    creating the feature within the macro. If it was worth my time, I
    would take the "find first hole" macro from (btw, great
    site, Matt!) and add code to mate a fastener to that hole and pattern
    it. However, this is something I'm going to be doing for the next day
    or two and then not again for six months, so it's hard for me to
    justify the time required to do that (I'm comfortable in VB but not
    adept enough for something like that to be a quick job).
    Mark, Apr 4, 2007
  6. Right click in the open gray area around your toolbars.
    Click "Customize..."
    A dialog box will open.
    Click the "Commands" tab at the top of the dialog box
    Click Features on the left.
    Find the "Linear Pattern" icon
    Drag the "Linear Pattern" icon from the area in the dialog box up to
    your toolbar and drop it where you want it in the assembly bar.
    Shawn Applegate, Apr 9, 2007
  7. Mark

    WT Guest

    The pattern that you are seeing is a feature pattern, to be used in a
    part with holes, cuts, etc. What Mark is looking for is the component
    patterns, which pattern components in an assy. Unfortunately, not

    WT, Apr 9, 2007
  8. Your correct WT. I guess his only solution is a keyboard shortcut.
    Shawn Applegate, Apr 10, 2007
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