customized notes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mikedsjr, May 24, 2004.

  1. mikedsjr

    mikedsjr Guest

    I have a task in front of me to create a checklist program that basically asks the person a list of questions starting with "what type of project is this", continues on based on the type of project it is and writes the notes according to answers given.

    I would like to know what might be my best direction to go for handling the questions. Would it be better to go with Lisp or go with VB? Which would handle inputing text better or does it matter?
    mikedsjr, May 24, 2004
  2. mikedsjr

    randy benson Guest

    Quick and easy using lisp (as long as you don't mind the questions appearing
    on the command line as opposed to a dialog box):

    (Setq ProjTyp (getstring "\nWhat type of project is this? "))

    asks the person a list of questions starting with "what type of project is
    this", continues on based on the type of project it is and writes the notes
    according to answers given.
    the questions. Would it be better to go with Lisp or go with VB? Which
    would handle inputing text better or does it matter?
    randy benson, May 24, 2004
  3. mikedsjr

    Tom Smith Guest

    I'd suggest getkword instead of getstring for as many ansers as possible, to avoid using the input text literally. The user picks an option, and the routine returns a canned text string. This would eliminate typos and nonstandard terminology in the finished notes.

    In all the methods my firm has developed for dealing with placing notation, we've learned that it's important for quality control to avoid having the user type at all, whenever possible.

    It wouldn't be hard to turn the "questions" into a dcl dialog box, with check boxes, radio buttons, or pulldown lists representing all the options. But I'd suggest working out the logic on a command-line basis first, before worrying about a dialog interface.
    Tom Smith, May 25, 2004
  4. mikedsjr

    randy benson Guest

    Good point, and (for Mikedsjr's info) 'initget' can be set to allow/disallow
    arbitrary user input:

    Command: (initget 1 "Yes No")


    Command: (setq x (getkword "Are you sure? (Yes or No) "))

    Are you sure? (Yes or No) Maybe

    Invalid option keyword.

    Are you sure? (Yes or No) yes


    Note the 128 argument:

    Command: (initget 128 "Yes No")


    Command: (setq x (getkword "Are you sure? (Yes or No) "))
    Are you sure? (Yes or No) Maybe


    to avoid using the input text literally. The user picks an option, and the
    routine returns a canned text string. This would eliminate typos and
    nonstandard terminology in the finished notes.
    notation, we've learned that it's important for quality control to avoid
    having the user type at all, whenever possible.
    check boxes, radio buttons, or pulldown lists representing all the options.
    But I'd suggest working out the logic on a command-line basis first, before
    worrying about a dialog interface.
    randy benson, May 25, 2004
  5. mikedsjr

    mikedsjr Guest

    Thanks for the suggestions. You are probably right that the best way to start is lisp. I could certainly make it into a dialog form after i get it working.
    mikedsjr, May 25, 2004
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