Customer Supplied CAD data

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Not Necessarily Me, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. I remember a post a while back that was in the form of a letter to the
    customer concerning the acceptable CAD file formats and the caveats of
    supplying CAD data. I searched on google with no success (not sure what the
    search string should be) and was hoping that someone more responsible than
    me saved that post and could repost it. Lately we have a multitude of
    customers who either provide PDF file from Pro/E that are not fully
    dimensioned for estimating and then expect us the manufacture the parts from
    these same PDF files. I had one today where after we got the job I told the
    customer that I had to have some model files since the PDF drawing were not
    dimensions completely. He sent some STEP files but told me I would have to
    compare to the drawings to make sure they were current! And these are not
    simple parts either. On the other end of the spectrum some customers want
    us to quote from STEP or IGES files of a model. Which means I have to load
    it into Solidworks, clean it up and make a drawing for the estimators to
    quote by. Of course all this is done on our on time with no guaranty that
    we will even get the job.

    In light of all this I've been told to come up with some guidelines to send
    to our customers. If I remember correctly the post I'm thinking of would be
    a great place to start.

    Thanks for your help,
    Not Necessarily Me, Jun 29, 2005
  2. Not Necessarily Me

    pete Guest

    google search using "customer guidelines concerning cad formats", pulled a
    lot info.
    pete, Jun 29, 2005
  3. Pete,

    You're right, that search did pull a lot of info, but as with most Google
    searches 99% percent of it was not related to what I was actually looking
    for. Maybe I'm not asking the group the correct question? I'm looking for
    a post that is long gone off of my news server that was truely related to
    what I'm looking for..

    Thanks anyway,

    Someone else (maybe the original poster) care to comment?
    Not Necessarily Me, Jun 30, 2005
  4. Not Necessarily Me

    MM Guest


    You have kind of a catch-22 thing going on here. If you lay down hard fast
    rules that inconvenience the customer, you'll lose business. If you attempt
    to serve the customer, using your current in-place processes, you'll lose

    The answer, "update your processes"

    Quoting from 3D models is pretty common these days, so are PDF's. If you
    decide that you will only quote from fully dimensiond and detailed "paper"
    drawings you "will" lose business, guarenteed. You need to train your
    estimators deal with this type of data, and provide them with software tools
    to do so efficiently.

    This doesn't mean you should just accept any CAD "junk" they decide to send
    you. What it does mean is that your guidlines should include allowances for
    these modern methods in an organized way. For instance, standardize on 3D
    formats you can deal with easily, like STEP and Parasolid. If the part
    contains close tolerances, it should be accompanied by a drawing, or PDF,
    that defines these features. If they send you a crummy IGES file from an
    obsolete CAD system, call them and try to get something better. I've done
    this hundreds of times with success. Alot of people won't even try because
    they're afraid that the customer will think they're incompetent. The truth
    is, 9 times out of 10 the person generating the file doesn't have a clue
    about about file conversion.


    MM, Jun 30, 2005
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