Custom Realview Materials

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rich, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. Rich

    Rich Guest

    Hi guys

    Has anyone ever succeeded in making their own Realview materials? I really
    need some different materials (I'd even pay) but there doesn't seem an easy
    way to do this.


    Rich, Jun 16, 2005
  2. How custom do you need?
    We were able to make a bunch of different custom wood materials for our wood
    product line without any problem.

    Richard Charney, Jun 17, 2005
  3. Rich

    Rich Guest


    I just need a leather material, a couple more wood, and a metal grille (with
    see through holes)

    They don't need to be fantastically accurate either. Do you have any notes
    on how to go about changing them?

    Thanks for taking the time to reply

    Rich, Jun 21, 2005
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