Custom properties, where does your company input them (model/drawing) ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, Dec 5, 2005.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Im trying to get a better idea where we should input custom properties,
    so they can be populated to other places.

    This is what I would like to do, please post any suggestions/comments:

    Input all custom properties in model
    - Description
    - Eng
    - Designer
    - Material
    - Revision #
    - Start Date

    These properties would then get populated to the drawing via $PRPSHEET:
    "_____" field


    1. Sometimes I might have more than one model in a drawing. The
    $PRPSHEET field takes the Custom Properties from the first model
    inserted into the drawing. Is there a way to change what model it
    looks at once the drawing views are already placed?

    2. Sometimes I might have my top level assy used in multiple drawings,
    where each drawing will have its own description. Using the above
    procedure, the description will be taken from the model, which would
    mean the description would be the same (which you dont want). Whats a
    good workaround for this? We are also trying to setup a Model ->
    Mapics integration, so thats why I want to try and keep all
    descriptions inside the model.

    3. Is there a way to have all of the Custom Props from the model
    automatically synced with the Custom Properites in a drawing?
    EX. Description in model = Description in drawing, so the drawing
    titleblock field for Description would be $PRP:"Description"
    SW Monkey, Dec 5, 2005
  2. SW Monkey

    Brian Guest

    1-right click sheet_, properties,lower left corner. Can specify which
    drawing view the custom properties are propegated from.

    2-not sure

    3-my drawing template does this. right click the '$PRP:"SW-Title" block and
    select the properties. from the property link button you can tie the field
    to your model description. It doesn't carry through to the drawing
    properties description however, but sounds like it will do what you are
    Brian, Dec 5, 2005
  3. SW Monkey

    Christine Guest

    2. You could use configuration specific custom properties. It gets a
    little messier though.
    Christine, Dec 5, 2005
  4. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Brian, im confused about #3. You say "right click the '$PRP:"SW-Title"
    block and select the properties. from the property link button you can
    tie the field to your model description."

    What is/Where is the $PRP:"SW-Title" ?
    SW Monkey, Dec 5, 2005
  5. SW Monkey

    Brian Guest

    opps, my bad. Prior to re-linking, the field is named
    $PRPSHEET:"Description", $PRP:"SW-Title" is what it becomes afterwards. The
    default location is to edit the sheet format and its in the title block.
    Note that after re-linking, for some strange reason, the field appears blank
    unless there is a model in the drawing, or you mouse over the field.
    Brian, Dec 5, 2005
  6. SW Monkey

    Brad Guest

    We use a software product from our VAR. It is called JavOffice and is
    sold by
    This program is an add-in for SolidWorks and provides an interface to
    add properties to a file. It can provide pull down lists and can help
    control the data so it is more organized.
    Brad Harding
    Brad, Dec 6, 2005
  7. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Brad, how much does that software cost? Im downloading the trial right
    now. It looks like it integrates into SolidWorks. This is good and
    bad. Good that its easy to get to, within the Feature manager, bad
    that they may have issues with upgrades as far as the integration.

    How long has your company been using it? Is it easily customizable, or
    do they customize it for a fee?

    Also, do you have any sample templates that your company uses? Im
    curious how you handle revisions and custom propertys, as well as what
    properties you put in the model (part/assy) and what (if any)
    properties you put in the drawings.
    SW Monkey, Dec 6, 2005
  8. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    To all that replied, my first question was "Where does your company
    input the custom properties? Model or Drawing or both?
    SW Monkey, Dec 6, 2005
  9. SW Monkey

    lmar Guest

    Mr. Monkey,

    I set my client's up with a basic PDM system that populates
    configuration properties at the model level.
    Enabling "Link" mode ties the drawing to the model. When creating the
    first drawing of the model the title block is populated
    with the model configuration properties. The user can open up the meta
    data form and change the drawing title to whatever they want. You can
    also set the option to map drawing/model properties to one another. For
    example, Revsion Descriptions and ECO numbers are picked up by the
    drawing from the model. Since they are linked they will always get
    approved together - no use having to duplicate entry of data.l

    The PDM system populates the configuration properties on the fly so
    never actually look at them directly. Just looked and a sample part has
    63 configuration properties.

    lmar, Dec 6, 2005
  10. SW Monkey

    John Layne Guest

    All the custom properties I and my clients use are set in the model and
    report in the drawing. The only custom property I have in the drawing is
    one that refers to the PDM Revision of the drawing.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Dec 6, 2005
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