Custom Properties in Toolbox Parts

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by compton, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. compton

    compton Guest

    I have not used toolbox very much, but now need to. I would like to
    add custom properties (size, description, and material) to the parts.
    I have managed to get them into the dialogue, but they do not propogate
    to the BOM. When I reopen the "Edit toolbox Definition" dialogue the
    information I entered is gone. How can I get this to work. The
    solidworks tech support says I may have to have my own library to do

    How are you handling toolbox parts in BOM's?

    Bryan Compton
    sw2k7 sp1.0 x64
    compton, Nov 9, 2006
  2. compton

    matt Guest

    Ok, just to get it straight, you mean your reseller told you to do that,
    right? SW Corporate guys know better, but many reseller AEs are chumps,
    especially when it comes to things like Toolbox.

    The stock corporate answer you should have received is to add properties
    via the interface at (through the menus) Toolbox, Configure, Properties.
    Enter the properties you want to populate in the upper left, and
    optionally you can make selection lists so people don't key in the wrong
    thing. You can even assign default values. This is a big improvement
    over the old way, but it still has the biggest weakness of the old
    method: you cannot pre-mass-populate (a la design table configuration
    method), you have to assign properties for each individual fastener in
    the PropertyManager interface that shows up when you size a toolbox
    part, as they are created.

    They keep trying with this product, and it improves in tiny increments.

    Anyway, to get properties into the BOM you have to have a BOM set up
    with special columns to accept the properties. The Help should be able
    to help you out with that. In the help, go to the Index tab and enter
    bill of materials, custom properties.
    matt, Nov 9, 2006
  3. compton

    compton Guest

    Thanks Matt, I have been doing this process as you have described, but
    when I add the properties in the property manager interface they are
    not retained. I have the BOM columns set up for my custom properties.
    It works for parts I have created.
    compton, Nov 9, 2006
  4. compton

    Muggs Guest


    Please tell me that you will be doing a Toolbox talk at SWW this year.
    Pretty please with a cherry on top?!?

    Muggs, Nov 9, 2006
  5. compton

    matt Guest

    Have you got your parts set to read only? Are you setting the properties
    at the same time that you create them? have you got the Don't Prompt
    to Save Read-Only Parts setting turned on? How about the Allow Separate
    Configurations for Equivalent Geometry (or however its worded) option?

    I'm not saying this is a great way to do things. I'm a big fan of having
    your own library specifically because Toolbox is such a pos when it
    comes to this.

    It may be creating new configurations every time you change the custom
    properties, or the parts may be read only and the data isn't being saved.
    matt, Nov 9, 2006
  6. compton

    matt Guest

    SolidWorks would not allow me to do a talk on Toolbox. It would be ugly
    and sarcastic. I may have something about it in the spring, kind of an
    update of the stuff that has been getting dusty on my website. If you
    would like to come to Virginia Tech in the beautiful hills of
    south-western Virginia on December 7, I'm doing a user group
    presentation on Toolbox then. That will be fun...

    Other fun presentations would be mold tools and smart fasteners
    matt, Nov 9, 2006
  7. compton

    Ed Guest

    Since we are on the subject of Toolbox. I also have a seat of
    Inventor. While generally I like SW many times better, the IV toolbox
    is considerably better. The IV Toolbox actually has engineering tools
    not just parts. For most parts there is a "data" sheet where variables
    can be set/ selected which help determine which size of perticular part
    that should be used. The "data sheets" are apparently based upon much
    of the Machinery Handbook and work similar to an Excel spread sheet,
    (ie. by chaning a vairables all of the appropriate boxes get updated).
    This is a great tool for design. It really does make the SW Toolbox
    look like a toy.

    And the most interesting part is that the IV Toolbox is bundled free
    with IV 10 and above.....

    Actually, the IV version of PDM Works, (ie. Vault) is also bundled free
    since IV 10 and above...

    Come on SW! Lets get your act together!

    Ed, Nov 10, 2006
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