Custom properties in Drawing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bromptonville-un, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. Hello,

    Is there a way to display a custom property of a specific file in a
    note in a drawing file, without using the $PRPVIEW or $PRPSHEET

    Let's assume I have a file named: 'File1.sldasm' that contains a
    custom properties name 'Prop1'.

    I'd like to be able to call something like:

    $PRP:"" (instead of $PRPVIEW:"Prop1")

    What would be the correct syntax?

    -----/////--- More complex question below... ---\\\\\-----

    Why do I want to do that?

    My final goal is to take the value of a property from the assembly
    and have that value display in EACH line of a specific colum in a SW-

    I assume that the syntax I seek could be used as a column equation in
    a SW-BOM to have the property display on each line. (The $PRPVIEW
    syntax does not seem to work.) Of course, if there is any other way
    to achieve that, I would gladly use it.

    (And, in case you wonder why I'd like to have a property displayed on
    each line, it is because I'd like to use it on another column as an
    input to a 'IF' statement.)

    Thank you for your help!

    - Bromptonville
    bromptonville-un, Feb 14, 2008
  2. bromptonville-un

    fcsuper Guest


    You may be able to do this with a macro feature embedded into each
    model that searches for your assembly and pulls that value, then
    populated that value in the model. Macro features refresh each time
    the model is rebuilt, so it will not be 100% dynamic, but will still
    update frequently.

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Feb 14, 2008
  3. bromptonville-un

    That70sTick Guest

    Did you check out all of your options for properties in notes?
    Besides the drawing and default model, you can connect to the model
    displayed in a specific view or the model to which a note is attached
    (with a leader). Perhaps add a view displaying just the model of
    That70sTick, Feb 14, 2008
  4. bromptonville-un

    That70sTick Guest

    I just tried this:
    Create note with a leader attached to component of interes. Insert
    properties into note with option to use component to which note is
    attached. Finish note. Edit note again, and remove leader (red
    "X"). Note will still be associated with that component until a new
    leader is attached elsewhere.
    That70sTick, Feb 14, 2008
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