Custom paper sizes - again

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bill DeShawn, Jul 10, 2004.

  1. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    Why do I always ask the questions nobody seems to know how to answer?
    I'm trying to find out how to create custom paper sizes for an HP Design Jet
    500. Anybody know how?
    Bill DeShawn, Jul 10, 2004
  2. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    Also, how do you create a PMP file?
    Bill DeShawn, Jul 10, 2004
  3. Bill DeShawn

    JMT5 Guest

    The sequence below is for an HP 750C but will be similar for the 500, although some
    of it will be much different.
    The concept is the same, and if you follow this, then you can figure out how to do
    similar for the 500.

    In either the Page Setup or Plot dialog boxes, go to Properties for the selected

    This opens the Plot Configuration Editor, and you want the Device and Document
    Settings tab.

    Select +Graphic Properties, that is just below Graphics.

    Now select the button that appears down in the lower half of the dialog box, "Custom

    Under "Application page size", select "more sizes".

    This opens the "Paper Sizes" dialog box.

    If you are American and doing architectural related work, DEselect all the bullets
    except Architectural, American, and English.

    On the right side, under Custom Paper Sizes, Name, scroll to Custom 1.
    Make Width 36" (or what ever your long side is)
    Make Height 24" (or whatever your short side is)

    Say ok.

    Now back in the Paper Size tab, select Landscape, the paper type, and the roll size,
    either 24 or 36, or larger if your plotter can do wider paper.

    Below that, select No Scaling.

    In the Advanced tab, select AutoRotate, and if your plotter is short of memory,
    select to process the document in the "...In computer".

    When you are done, click on OK

    Now you are back in the Document and Settings dialog box.

    Notice the last item in the window is "PMP File Name <None>"
    If you want to create a PMP file from your new configuration, click on this item.
    This will open up two new buttons below.

    Click on the one to Save PMP. Give the PMP file a name. Click on Save.

    Back in the Documents and Settings tab, click on SAVE AS, and give the new pc3 file a
    name, and save it, and then click OK and exit.

    Now in the plotter device slot in the Plot or page setup dialog box, select the new
    plotter pc3 file.

    Your paper should be set to the size you wanted, and to landscape if you set it that

    Make sure that the operating system on the computer that you are creating the PC3
    file is the same on all computers that will be using that PC3 file.

    If you have different operating systems in your office, you can use the PMP file that
    was created by attaching it to the plotter while setting up that plotter on that
    specific standalone computer, and then saving that as its own PC3 file...make sure
    the names of your PC3 files reflect which op sys they work under.

    Good luck.

    Jack Talsky
    JMT5, Jul 11, 2004
  4. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    That is correct. I even hide system printers so neither I nor others on our
    network can accidentally (or accidentally on purpose) print directly to a
    printer driver.

    Why is the "ADD" button grayed out in my Plotter Configuration Editor?
    Bill DeShawn, Jul 14, 2004
  5. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    See below:

    Bill DeShawn

    There is no heading "Application page size" Just paper quality and layout.
    I go to "Advanced", Paper/Output/Paper size and I get A4, Envelope, Legal
    and Letter. And that's for an HP DesignJet 500! (printing to a file).
    Just doesn't make sense to me.

    Bill DeShawn
    Bill DeShawn, Jul 14, 2004
  6. Bill DeShawn

    Tim Scully Guest

    I think the newer HP system drivers have buried the "more sizes" (now
    renamed as "Edit Paper List") item at the bottom of the dropdown list of
    sizes instead of as a button in the dialog, but you are very close to the
    right place to make a custom paper size for this driver.
    Tim Scully, Jul 19, 2004
  7. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    There is NOTHING at the bottom of the list of sizes. Letter is at the
    bottom of the list
    Bill DeShawn, Jul 20, 2004
  8. Bill DeShawn

    Tim Scully Guest

    Not in the Plot or Page Setup dialog, it is in the Custom Properties dialog
    for the plotter. Is that where you were looking?
    Tim Scully, Jul 20, 2004
  9. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    Yes. And it look exactly the same in there as it does in the printers
    Bill DeShawn, Jul 21, 2004
  10. Bill DeShawn

    Tim Scully Guest

    What version of the HP windows system driver are you running?

    Is it possible that your system administrator has not given you enough
    permissions to configure this driver?
    Tim Scully, Jul 21, 2004
  11. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    I own my computer and the network. I am the administrator. I am listed in
    users and passwords as an administrator
    Bill DeShawn, Aug 3, 2004
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