Custom page size bugs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rusty Gesner, Jul 23, 2003.

  1. Rusty Gesner

    Rusty Gesner Guest

    One of the biggest complaints my users have with AutoCAD plotting is
    difficulty in specifying custom page sizes. I've read through the
    postings in the autodesk.autocad.print-plot newsgroup and they don't
    really provide any solutions.

    The first issue is that specifying a custom size requires editing the
    device properties, the precise steps of which vary from device to
    device. This is confusing and intimidating to the average user.

    The second and worse issue is that sometimes it gets really screwy and
    you can't set the correct size, custom or sometimes even standard sizes
    -- see details below.

    The user ought to be able to just specify custom size with a simple
    height and width setting, either in the main plot dialog or a quick
    simple subdialog. And, of course, have it work correctly :)

    The following documents this reproducible problem with Acrobat PDFWriter
    when doing a page setup or printing to an AutoCAD-enhanced Acrobat
    PDFWriter.PC3 driver in AutoCAD 2002 and 2004, and the workaround my
    suffering users have to deal with. I've seen similar issues with other
    devices. My pc3 and pmp files are attached, and the Windows system
    printer driver was from Acrobat 5.0.5, if anyone cares to test this or
    can fix the cause of the bug.


    Problem One: You attempt to define a Custom page size in AutoCAD in the
    PDFWriter plot device Custom Properties, however it keeps reverting to
    the previous size (usually a previous custom size).

    Problem Two: You select a standard page size for the PDFWriter plot
    device from the Paper size dropdown of the AutoCAD Layout Settings but
    the Printable area reverts to the previous size or a previous custom

    These are apparently manifestations of the same bug: After setting or
    using a Custom size, the PDFWriter driver gets stuck on that size.

    Workaround: If one of these problems occurs, try the following in the
    AutoCAD Page Setup dialog before creating a new custom size or selecting
    the size you really want:

    1. Select and then right-click on the desired layout tab and choose Page
    2. Choose Properties from the Plot Device tab, then choose Custom
    Properties from the Device and Document Settings tab of the Plotter
    Configuration Editor to open the Acrobat PDFWriter Properties dialog.

    3. Select a different standard page size from the Standard dropdown,
    then choose OK.
    4. Choose OK again to close the Plotter Configuration Editor, being sure
    to “Save changes to the following (PC3) file” if prompted.
    5. Choose OK to exit the Page Setup dialog.

    Now you can reopen the Page Setup dialog or Plot dialog and select the
    standard size you really wanted, or define a new custom size.

    NOTE: In the Acrobat PDFWriter Properties dialog of the Plotter
    Configuration Editor, Orientation should be Portrait, Scaling 100%, and
    Resolution appropriate to the intended purpose, generally 300 to 600
    DPI. Specify the final orientation and scale in the page layout or plot

    If the above workaround fails to fix the size, delete the Acrobat
    PDFWriter.pmp file from your C:\gm-acad\A2004\PMPfiles folder, then try
    the above steps again.
    Rusty Gesner, Jul 23, 2003
  2. Rusty Gesner

    Markus Latz Guest

    I've solved this problem with dynamic paper sizes.

    Now I can plot my drawings to CALS-files in exact the same size/format my
    drawings have.


    Markus Latz, Jul 24, 2003
  3. Rusty Gesner

    Rusty Gesner Guest

    What are "dynamic paper sizes"?
    Something specific to the CALS device driver?

    Thanks - Rusty
    Rusty Gesner, Jul 24, 2003
  4. Rusty Gesner

    Markus Latz Guest

    With the Heidi SDK from Autodesk I've modified the CALS plotter driver, so I
    can define a paper size at plot-time. My paper size is exact I want it. And
    I have always the same rotation.

    I can't open your .PC3, because my newsreader removes it as "unsafe
    attachment". You can ZIP it and send it to my e-mail address.

    May be I can send you a solution.


    Markus Latz, Jul 30, 2003
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