Custom menu groups

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by bthatcher, May 24, 2004.

  1. bthatcher

    bthatcher Guest

    In past ACAD versions (2002 and before) I have used I would create A shared ACAD directory on the server with my users menu files in them. Put a blank .MNS file in it, load it and let ACAD recompile and right in the correct path and everything it needed. This way if they got a new computer or had to work at another station, I would just load up there old menus. This is not working so well in 2005. They thought to give us a blank, named 'CUSTOM' but it is buried so far into everyone's computer, and if your have any directories hidden, you can't even 'search' and find it. I hate the new directory structure. Does anyone know a way to create our own Menu Groups and put them where we want. Thank you
    bthatcher, May 24, 2004
  2. I hate the new directory structure, too, especially when I have a folder
    called C:\Program Files\Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004\Support, that
    has various useful things in it, but in fact it looks for them in
    C:\Documents and Settings\<user-name>\Application Data\etc.\etc.\etc.\and so
    on. Whey those files are in two locations is beyond me.

    You should be able to just put your directory on the server into the Support
    File Search Path list in Options, and REMOVE from the list the paths with
    all the gazillion folders and subfolders.

    Which brings up another question:
    Does anyone out there know why 2004 (and, I presume, 2005) has BOTH a
    "Support File Search Path" category AND a "Working Support File Search Path"
    category in the Files tab in Options? They seem to have the same paths in
    them (at first, anyway), so what's the difference?

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    shared ACAD directory on the server with my users menu files in them. Put a
    blank .MNS file in it, load it and let ACAD recompile and right in the
    correct path and everything it needed. This way if they got a new computer
    or had to work at another station, I would just load up there old menus.
    This is not working so well in 2005. They thought to give us a blank, named
    'CUSTOM' but it is buried so far into everyone's computer, and if your have
    any directories hidden, you can't even 'search' and find it. I hate the new
    directory structure. Does anyone know a way to create our own Menu Groups
    and put them where we want. Thank you
    Kent Cooper, AIA, May 28, 2004
  3. bthatcher

    Walt Engle Guest

    If you are working on a stand-alone computer, I believe you can move the files
    in the "extra" folders and then delete the folders. Haven't tried it myself, but
    I am in agreement - no sense to it except for some obscure reason dictated by
    Microsoft's XP.
    Walt Engle, May 28, 2004
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