custom menu changes from 2002 to 2005

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dketchek, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. dketchek

    dketchek Guest

    We recently loaded in a partial menu (from 2002) when setting up our first Autocad 2005 computer. The menu loads from our network. We found out that the recompiled .mnr file was not compatible with Autocad 2002 users and the partial custom menu would no longer load. To solve this problem we renamed the custom menu and the menugroup name. 2005 users load in the new name while 2002 users can still use the old menu.

    We have an additional 6-8 partial custom menus that run off our network. Most of these menus do not have toolbars. If there are no toolbars does this mean there is no recompiled .mnr problem? We can go ahead and rename all our menus, but do we need to?

    Are there any other problems we need to be aware of? Any comments appreciated.
    dketchek, Nov 30, 2004
  2. dketchek

    ECCAD Guest

    Acad2002 and Acad2004/2005 are a little different for the .mnr file. To be safe, just make a \2004\menus folder,
    copy *.mns (from R2002) to there. Menuload each in a R2004
    session. Place toolbars on screen, exit Acad. Each will write .mnr, .mnc files to \2004\menus folder. When migrating from R2002 to R2004..just load the R2004 menus (1 time). All should be fine then. R2002 will load the 'old' menus, and R2004 will load new menus. If updating a particular .mns file,
    update the R2002, copy it to \2004\menus, and reload in R2004.

    ECCAD, Nov 30, 2004
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