Custom Lisp Routines

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Luera, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. Luera

    Luera Guest

    This is my 2 cents for locking and unlocking viewports within a second. Just make sure that your viewport layer "VP" is turned on. Once you place the following into your lisp routines and reload it with your AutoCAD, then you'll just type "VL" to lock your viewport or "VU" to unlock your viewport.

    (DEFUN C:VL ()
    (COMMAND "-VPORTS" "L" "ON" "All" "")
    (DEFUN C:VU ()
    (COMMAND "-VPORTS" "L" "OFF" "All" "")

    Anybody got anything else to share with us using mutliple command short cuts.
    Luera, Mar 4, 2004
  2. Luera

    ECCAD Guest

    This one edits attributes, I find it useful.

    (defun C:RA ()
    (command "_attedit" "_n" "_y" "" "" "")
    ); end function

    ECCAD, Mar 4, 2004
  3. Luera

    Chip Harper Guest

    ;; ***********************************************************************
    ;; * *
    ;; * ZOOMCUT.lsp written by Chip Harper 08-07-02 *
    ;; * Edited to add ZL command on 08-26-02 *
    ;; * Edited to turn off cmdecho on 03-25-03 *
    ;; * Edited ZL point variable names on 03-25-03 *
    ;; * Edited CCME to match standards on 05-11-03 *
    ;; * *
    ;; * Email: *
    ;; * *
    ;; * Homepage: *
    ;; * *
    ;; * Program establishes 2 letter shortcuts for zoom commands *
    ;; * zoom extents = ZE *
    ;; * zoom window = ZW *
    ;; * zoom previous = ZP *
    ;; * zoom all = ZA *
    ;; * zoom center = ZC *
    ;; * zoom dynamic = ZD *
    ;; * zoom scale = ZS *
    ;; * zoom limits = ZL *
    ;; * *
    ;; * Notes: Zoom Limits is not a "Native" command; Basicly it is a zoom *
    ;; * window using drawing limits as pick points. Limits need to *
    ;; * be set prior to using the command, as it will not prompt for *
    ;; * points. *
    ;; * *
    ;; * Because of the simple nature of the programs *
    ;; * no Error Handler is needed or provided. *
    ;; * *
    :: * This program is "Autoloaded" with AutoCAD on my machine *
    ;; * via the profile.mnl file located in the custom directory. *
    ;; * *
    ;; * *
    ;; * This lisp is FREEWARE, you may distribute, copy, edit and/or modify *
    ;; * this program as you see fit. *
    ;; * *
    ;; ***********************************************************************
    ;; ****************************************
    ;; * == Error Handler == *
    ;; * *
    ;; ****************************************
    ;; none
    ;; ****************************************
    ;; * == Main Function == *
    ;; * *
    ;; ****************************************
    (defun C:ZE () ; Zoom
    (setq CCME (getvar "cmdecho")) ; Get
    cmdecho setting
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; Turn
    off cmdecho
    (command "_.ZOOM" "_E")
    (setvar "cmdecho" CCME) ; Reset
    ) ; End C:ZE.

    (defun C:ZW () ; Zoom
    (setq CCME (getvar "cmdecho")) ; Get
    cmdecho setting
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; Turn
    off cmdecho
    (command "_.ZOOM" "_W")
    (setvar "cmdecho" CCME) ; Reset
    ) ; End C:ZW

    (defun C:ZP () ; Zoom
    (setq CCME (getvar "cmdecho")) ; Get
    cmdecho setting
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; Turn
    off cmdecho
    (command "_.zoom" "_P")
    (setvar "cmdecho" CCME) ; Reset
    ) ; End C:ZP

    (defun C:ZA () ; Zoom
    (setq CCME (getvar "cmdecho")) ; Get
    cmdecho setting
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; Turn
    off cmdecho
    (command "_.zoom" "_A")
    (setvar "cmdecho" CCME) ; Reset
    ) ; End C:ZA

    (defun C:ZC () ; Zoom
    (setq CCME (getvar "cmdecho")) ; Get
    cmdecho setting
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; Turn
    off cmdecho
    (command "_.zoom" "_C")
    (setvar "cmdecho" CCME) ; Reset
    ) ; End C:ZC

    (defun C:ZD () ; Zoom
    (setq CCME (getvar "cmdecho")) ; Get
    cmdecho setting
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; Turn
    off cmdecho
    (command "_.zoom" "_D")
    (setvar "cmdecho" CCME) ; Reset
    ) ; End C:ZD

    (defun C:ZS () ; Zoom
    (setq CCME (getvar "cmdecho")) ; Get
    cmdecho setting
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; Turn
    off cmdecho
    (command "_.zoom" "_S")
    (setvar "cmdecho" CCME) ; Reset
    ) ; End C:ZS

    (defun c:ZL ( / ZLPT1 ZLPT2) ; Zoom
    (setq CCME (getvar "cmdecho")) ; Get
    cmdecho setting
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; Turn
    off cmdecho
    (setq ZLPT1 (getvar "limmin"))
    (setq ZLPT2 (getvar "limmax"))
    (command "_.zoom" "window" ZLPT1 ZLPT2)
    (setvar "cmdecho" CCME) ; Reset
    ) ; End C:ZL

    ;; ****************************************
    ;; * == Load Message == *
    ;; * *
    ;; ****************************************
    (prompt "\n ZoomCut.lsp Loaded")
    (prompt "\n Written by Chip Harper")
    (prompt "\n ")
    ;; ****************************************
    ;; * == End of File == *
    ;; * *
    ;; ****************************************
    Chip Harper, Mar 4, 2004
  4. Luera

    Luera Guest

    Thanks for the info, Chip.

    Check this one out. This one allows you to change the size of text without going through its properties.

    "CT" is the shortcut command for this.

    (DEFUN C:CT (/ A TS N INDEX B1 B C D B2)
    (SETQ A (SSGET))
    (SETQ INDEX 0)
    (SETQ B (ASSOC 0 B1))
    (IF (= "TEXT" (CDR B))
    (SETQ C (ASSOC 40 B1))
    (SETQ D (CONS (CAR C) TS))
    (SETQ B2 (SUBST D C B1))
    (ENTMOD B2)
    Luera, Mar 4, 2004
  5. Luera

    Rodney Estep Guest

    Just My 2 cents, but zooming is somingthing that you do more than anything.
    Using autolisp to generate your macro's takes away the ability to use these
    macro's transparently. I do all my zooms using my buttons menu. These are
    very powerfull if you have a digitizer with a 16-button puck. I also
    strongly reccomend that any autocad user get there hands on a Gateway2000
    anykey programmable keyboard. They have an extra set of functiion key down
    the right side that I could not live without. Search Ebay, they are still
    out there. Gateway used to ship these with every computer they sold from
    486>Pentium 1 mine came with a 486 and is still going strong.



    $p0=BASIC $p0=*
    'dimdec 0 'dimAdec 0
    'dimdec 1 'dimAdec 1
    'dimdec 2 'dimAdec 2
    'dimdec 3 'dimAdec 3
    'dimdec 4 'dimAdec 4

    'dimdec 4 'luprec 4 'DIST _NEAR \_PERP

    'Z W \
    'Z P;

    $p0=basic $p0=*
    'Z V
    'dimdec 0 'dimAdec 0
    'dimdec 1 'dimAdec 1
    'dimdec 2 'dimAdec 2
    'dimdec 3 'dimAdec 3
    'dimdec 4 'dimAdec 4 'luprec 4


    'Z W \
    'Z P;
    $p0=dim_p $p0=*

    'Z V
    Rodney Estep, Mar 6, 2004
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