custom keyboard macros

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by david.lindstone, Jan 9, 2006.

  1. All,
    I just moved to a new company using cadence to do IC layout. At my old
    company, we used internal tools that allowed customization of keyboard
    macros which greatly helped efficiency. Is there any way to do this in

    david.lindstone, Jan 9, 2006
  2. Absolutely. You can customize the bindkeys using SKILL (see sample files in
    <instdir>/tools/dfII/samples/local), and you can use the SKILL programming
    language to do pretty much anything you want. There's an extremely wide-ranging
    API (over 5000 documented SKILL functions).

    So the answer is yes, it can be done. You'll probably want to read some of the
    documentation (type "cdsdoc", or hit the Help menu in a DFII window).

    That said, I'm assuming you're using the Virtuoso Layout editor - you didn't
    say. Cadence provide a lot of different tools, so you might have been talking
    about automated place and route (encounter) or some other tool.

    Andrew Beckett, Jan 12, 2006
  3. David,

    hiSetBindKey() and hiSetBindKeys() are the Skill functions that allow
    the user to customize the SKILL language expressions that get executed
    for a particular key stroke.

    hiSetBindKey("Layout" "<Key>9" "leHiMarkNet()")

    You can put these commands in a file called .cdsinit in your home
    directory. .cdsinit is like .cshrc, it gets loaded every time you invoke

    SKILL language user guide and functions reference documents might be of
    help to you. These documents could be accessed through the 'cdsdoc'

    Suresh Jeevanandam, Jan 17, 2006
  4. david.lindstone

    vdvalk Guest


    Can I add bindkeys to THE LSW window.

    Specifically I hate the fact that the shifted mouse clicks do not do
    the same default operation as
    the unshifted ones ...This is most annoying ...

    -- Gerry Vandevalk
    vdvalk, Feb 8, 2006
  5. No, you can't have bindkeys for the LSW.


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 8, 2006
  6. david.lindstone

    vdvalk Guest

    Could Cadence change the default of the shifted mouse clicks over the
    LSW to be the same as the unshifted ones?

    The left mouse mouse click is the same (( i.e select layer) whether
    shifted or not, but the center and right clicks only
    function when unshifted, and not shifted ... most #W^^&*&%@#$$%
    annoying ...

    -- Gerry
    vdvalk, Mar 8, 2006
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