Custom Hyperlink in Drawing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dames, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. Dames

    Dames Guest

    Would anyone know how you could build a Hyperlink to be shown on a
    drawing that would link a custom field from a part eg: Part Number
    98917625. The hyperlink would actually look like

    This would not be http: as this (m1:eek:bject:partexplorer:98917625) links
    to our ERP system.
    Dames, Nov 8, 2006
  2. You mean you have a model attribute that you want to use in a link in a
    drawing? How about a simple macro that reads the model attribute and
    runs the needed command?
    Markku Lehtola, Nov 8, 2006
  3. Dames

    Dames Guest

    No. When i save as a PDF i need the drawing/part number on the drawing
    to be a hyperlink and link back to our ERP system
    Dames, Nov 8, 2006
  4. Ok, can your ERP open files like this:

    ...\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE c:\temp\file.txt

    This works as on hyperlink in SW. Otherwise...quite difficult thing to
    do I guess, but I see that it would be very usefull.
    Markku Lehtola, Nov 8, 2006
  5. Dames

    Daniel Guest

    Hi Damian,

    How long have you been using M1 with Solidworks? We just purchased M1,
    and are very happy with it. I've been planning on integrating the two,
    especially with PDMWorks. Do you have any advice or recommendations on
    working with them together?

    Daniel, Nov 8, 2006
  6. Dames

    Dames Guest

    Hi Danial
    We have been using M1 for just on 12 months. We were using Redthorn
    before that. We dont have PDMWorks as we only have a small drawing
    office. What industry are you in adn where are you located. We are in
    the sheetmetal industry based in Melbourne Aus.
    Dames, Nov 8, 2006
  7. Dames

    Wim Guest

    There are a product, which can add Links in a PDF document:
    Autolink is a plug-in for Adobe and seach for defined text strings and add
    automatically links to these strings.

    There is also a function in Solidworks for adding a hyperlink (under tools),
    mabey someone can make a macro to automate this.

    Would anyone know how you could build a Hyperlink to be shown on a
    drawing that would link a custom field from a part eg: Part Number
    98917625. The hyperlink would actually look like

    This would not be http: as this (m1:eek:bject:partexplorer:98917625) links
    to our ERP system.
    Wim, Nov 9, 2006
  8. Dames

    Daniel Guest


    We are in Maine in the US. We manufacture Metal Marking Equipment. If
    you ever get an answer to your question, please post it here. I'm
    really interested in making PDMWorks or SolidWorks work with M1. I'm
    going to take the M1 Customization Class in a couple months, and then
    work on integrating them together.

    Daniel, Nov 9, 2006
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