custom hatch pattern??

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by longshot, Oct 4, 2004.

  1. longshot

    longshot Guest

    can someone explain how to create a simple hatch pattern & save it as a user
    defined pattern?
    the help files leave much to be desired. :eek:)

    longshot, Oct 4, 2004
  2. longshot

    Paul Turvill Guest

    It *can* be done. I created a number of hatch patterns with just the
    information in the R13 Customization Guide, which is essentially the same
    information contained in the current HELP system. I do agree, however, that
    the information is not well organized, and it took a lot of trial and error
    before I achieved my first *successful* pattern.

    Fortunately, there are some third party tools available that make the job
    easier. We use an old utility called BoobyHatch, which hasn't been updated
    recently. And a search on Google ("autocad hatch generator") will give you a
    number of more recent options.
    Paul Turvill, Oct 4, 2004
  3. longshot

    longshot Guest

    thanks for the quick response.. I did a search found a few... any of them
    free? or offer a free trial?

    in a nutshell , how'd you create your own, w/out the program? I was thinking
    I could export a drawing out into a block with a *.pat extension & then
    assign the x/y unit spacing... but everything I try ends up back at the
    standard hatch menu. I dunno???
    longshot, Oct 4, 2004
  4. longshot

    Paul Turvill Guest

    In a nutshell, I opened NotePad and started typing stuff in a format that
    looked like some of the other stuff in ACAD.PAT, then played around and
    adjusted my code until it looked the way I wanted it to when used with the
    HATCH command. I created several patterns in this way, and each one was a
    bit easier than the previous one. I discovered BoobyHatch sometime in the
    mid '90's, and haven't manually written a hatch pattern since; I'm not even
    sure I could do it again without a lot of practice.

    BoobyHatch was/is free, and you may still be able to find it around
    somewhere. Sorry, I don't have the original distribution files.

    The ultimate goal is a plain ASCII text file containing the pattern
    definition. It must be written in the format specified in the HELP system.
    What those third-party utilities is to extract the information on the
    AutoCAD graphics screen and translate it to the proper ASCII text format.
    If you already happen to have a drawing with a hatch pattern you like, but
    no accompanying *.pat file, you can "steal" the pattern with GETPAT.LSP from

    Paul Turvill, Oct 4, 2004
  5. longshot

    Paul Turvill Guest

    .... forgot to add: The tool that seems to be the most popular these days is
    Hatchkit. It's available in demo form from several sites.
    Paul Turvill, Oct 4, 2004
  6. 2 tips from experience on top of what Paul said...

    Have a session of acad open while you do what Paul said.
    Have a rectangle with the lower left corner at 0,0 to hatch
    with the pattern you're working on. Save the pattern
    periodically and hatch the rectangle. Look at the result.
    Measure the misplacements, if any. Look at your code.
    Hatch patterns are generated relative to the UCS.

    Second, the X-displacement number comes before the
    Y-displacement in the code instructions, but in the case of
    lines at 90 degrees at least, the first number in the code will yield
    the >>> Y <<< displacement and the second the >>>> X <<<<.
    The code below gives you a 3-tab shingle pattern made of two lines:

    *fool, fooling around
    90, 12,0, 4.5,6.5, 4,-5
    0, 0,0, 6.5,4.5, 12,-1

    The first @ 90 will repeat @ 4.5 in the Y, and 6.5 in the X.
    The second @ 0 will repeat the same but the displacement coordinates
    are in reverse order. The two lines will always meet the same way, making
    "L"s . Maybe someone can explain why this SHOULD be so,
    but it strikes me as a mistake. The help as I read it says that the order
    for the line @ 0 should work for both, but it doesn't.
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 5, 2004
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