Custom Configuration Dimension refrences

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JCelektronix, Jun 8, 2005.

  1. JCelektronix

    JCelektronix Guest

    I am currently trying to automate manufacturing schematics from an
    editable model. my trouble lies when i try to produce a cut sheet for
    the shearing guys. I want to list the overall dimensions, length and
    width. however I cannot seem to refrence to a dimension that will give
    me the overall dimensions even when the sheetmetal peice is folded.
    JCelektronix, Jun 8, 2005
  2. One method, though a bit cumbersome, is to put a reference dimension on a
    sketch line in that is equation controlled to the length of the sum of all
    the neutral axis lines & arcs. The dimension can then be used in notes,

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 8, 2005
  3. JCelektronix

    JCelektronix Guest

    Thanks for a solution. Although its a little more advanced than i am at
    this point, but i will do the research for it.
    P.S. if you know any good resources i would appreciate it.

    JCelektronix, Jun 8, 2005
  4. JCelektronix

    JCelektronix Guest

    If anyone else is out there i could really use some help with this
    topic. Don't get me wrong Wayne your solution worked. however I need a
    more concrete method. creating an equation off a sum of dimensions is
    just to volatile. By the way, im running SW 2003 but if i need to i
    will upgrade to '05.

    JCelektronix, Jun 9, 2005
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