custom acad style hatches

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by stinky wizzleteet, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. hi all,

    is it possible to create more sophisticated hatches like autocad's
    'concrete' hatch ?
    What I've seen sofar are overlays of different crosshatches combined
    with different linefonts.
    Can I create my own .xch file to make snazzy hatches ?

    It is kind of important since we're using pro-e for architecture and we
    are bound by law (via NEN) to use certain hatches.
    Of course we can deviate by using a legenda, but when getting a building
    sjeesh .... those people are *thick*, I am really, really thick.
    [rant stopper initiated]...[rant stop successful, resources depleted]

    stinky wizzleteet, Aug 3, 2004
  2. *sigh*
    i meant to say: I MEAN really,really thick...
    instead of a rant-stopper I should've invested in a un*doh!*-er

    stinky wizzleteet, Aug 3, 2004
  3. stinky wizzleteet

    David Janes Guest

    : hi all,
    : is it possible to create more sophisticated hatches like autocad's
    : 'concrete' hatch ?
    : What I've seen sofar are overlays of different crosshatches combined
    : with different linefonts.
    : Can I create my own .xch file to make snazzy hatches ?
    Looks like it ought to be possible. There's a series of them in
    <loadpoint>/text/crosshatch. They are just text files so, if you can figure out
    how the different parameters control hatch appearance, you should be able to copy
    one and customize. Or maybe PTC has a bunch more on their website, maybe even some
    for architectural cad. Might be worth doing a search there for *.xch files.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Aug 3, 2004
  4. stinky wizzleteet

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Don't know anything about it or have time right now to dig
    around, but doing a Google search for [ "custom hatch"
    pro/engineer ] turned up a couple of hits that looked
    Jeff Howard, Aug 3, 2004
  5. I noticed that the acad hatch "AR-CONC" is indeed a combination of
    dashed linestyles and overlaying lines.
    So I went to work to create a crosshatch that would fille the hatch with
    disconnected triangles.


    draw a circle and fill it with a dashed hatch,
    you'll notice all the dashed line starting from one particular edge,
    resulting in a nice moire-esque pattern, b/c the dashes are shifting in
    relation to eachother.

    This means that *by definition* non-linear hatches or more symbolic ones
    like we use for concerte and isolation (drawing pebbles and zig-zag
    lines) are impossible b/c there is no global starting point for the
    crosshatch, it is local, skewing the pattern when the section is not linear.

    stinky wizzleteet, Aug 4, 2004
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