curve equation editor

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Sean Kerslake, May 24, 2006.

  1. Someone else's model. I'm trying to edit a 'curve by equation'

    I presume when I try to redefine the curve through the attributes window
    then notepad should open to edit the equation?

    I get a dos style window flash up momentarily but nothing else - any ideas?

    Cheers, Sean
    Sean Kerslake, May 24, 2006
  2. Sean Kerslake

    David Janes Guest

    Small correction: first make sure the config option relation_file_editor is set to
    EDITOR not PROTAB. Second, nothing additional is required to launch NOTEPAD.
    However, if you're lacking an environment variable (path statement) to the
    directories with CMD.EXE or notepad.exe, they will not launch. Sounds like, Sean,
    that cmd.exe is launching (DOS window), but notepad is not (or did it possibly pop
    behind the graphics window; I ask only because of Pro/e's propensity/affinity for
    popping windows and hiding them behind other windows~try Alt-Tabbing though the
    windows, see if it's back there, hiding). BTW, I do not even have an option called
    pro_editor_command in my and notepad executes fine for equations.
    However, to get wordpad to execute, I have to add the option Greg mentioned and
    browse to that directory/executeable. Anyway, it couldn't hurt to have the editor
    explicitly called out, and definitely, Browse to get the full path into the option
    David Janes, May 25, 2006
  3. Sean Kerslake

    David Janes Guest

    BTW2, since this is a file from someone else, what're the chances that it has
    recorded in it, some other application/location from what you're using; again,
    path statements with full path callout and browse to any application and get full
    path name into option setting value.
    David Janes, May 25, 2006
  4. Thanks chaps.

    Should have mentioned I'd sorted the first setting - pro_editor_command

    Hadn't come across the second setting - relation_file_editor - this sorted
    it out


    Sean Kerslake
    Dept of Design & Tech
    Loughborough University
    LE11 3TU

    01509 228317
    Sean Kerslake, May 25, 2006
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