Curvature generation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Oct 23, 2003.

  1. Here is what's in the Help.

    Curvature generation
    Select one of the two following options:

    a.. Only on demand. This is the default. The initial curvature display is
    slower, but it uses less memory.

    b.. Always (for every shaded model). The curvature displays more quickly
    on the first display, but extra memory is always used (RAM and disk) for
    every part that you create or open.

    This, to me doesn't make sense. The recommended setting for LAM is "Only on
    Demand," so I presume it's because of the less memory usage. But why is the
    initial display slower? My thought was that it only displayed the intricate
    details when needed, but then you would think the display would be faster
    also. Does anybody know how this works and if the Help is correct?

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 23, 2003
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