Current Profile folder

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Reid M. Addis, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. I need a function to find the path of where my file is stored.
    If I use the (getvar "acadprefix") function, I get:

    5\\Fonts;C:\\Documents and Settings\\addis.GRANARYASSOC\\Application
    Data\\Autodesk\\ADT 2005\\enu\\Support;C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk
    Architectural Desktop 2005\\Support;C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk
    Architectural Desktop 2005\\Help;C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk Architectural
    Desktop 2005\\Express;C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk Architectural Desktop
    ogram Files\\Autodesk Architectural Desktop

    What I need is the 3rd item in the list:
    C:\\Documents and Settings\\addis.GRANARYASSOC\\Application
    Data\\Autodesk\\ADT 2005\\enu\\Support

    to which I could strcat \\\Profiles\\gaadt-2005\\

    Anyone know how to do this?

    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Dec 15, 2004
  2. Never mind.
    I think I found a better solution:

    (setq user (getenv "UserProfile"))
    (setq ProfilePath (strcat user "\\Application

    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Dec 15, 2004
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