Current company excepted of course....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by phil scott, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    The people posting this NG as it turns out have a pretty
    good nose for whats up in river city re CAD systems, its
    glorious vendors, and genius's behind the scenes... that includes in
    various aspects both Cliff (a tech wiz, and broad spectrum smart guy
    and JB who knows crap when he sees it.

    My analysis of the broader industry:

    i will not make specific comment here just yet... is that most of
    this crap is put together by a bunch
    of clones waiting for 5 o'clock so they can get blasted
    or waddle home to mama and go comatose on the couch.

    Down deep they don't give a rats ass... beyond looking good personally
    the day at least....

    if they did give a rats ass, most management would fire them.

    ..the motive apparently is to look good, hide errors,
    and being able to point to some other situation when the shit hits the
    fan...hoping to keep ones
    job for another few months at least.... the best dodger wins.

    This seems to be true with many major corporations... any initiative
    beyond that
    gets cut off at the knees because it exposes all the dodgy
    activity....God help the
    VARS. you get software that doesnt quite
    make sense.. dialog boxes labled as 'xc$$cv4ty.pip ' then
    reffered to
    as 'the pointer box' or whatever in tutorials... .when in reality the
    box is for selecting
    line widths...that sort of thing, a made up example. .. go figure.

    These are not products put out by a single dedicacted person intent on
    producing a sensible product.... these are elephants designed by
    committees, led by people who have never been in the trenches...wating
    retirement or their next step up the corporate ladder.

    .... and then they lie.

    ... 60% of humanity, these included by statistics have drug/ alcohol
    or serious
    jock itch problems.... average IQ 100... except for management...paper
    pushers calling the shots on engineering software...

    for advice these seek council at
    the lowest pay rate possible. In that context i can sure
    understand JB's tendency
    toward the vernacular however misdirected it might have been in the

    I dont think this larger picture is going to change much... the
    problem seems to be
    pervasive... probably the root insight by those posting the NG...
    its all mostly

    not rocket science.

    Phil scott
    phil scott, Sep 2, 2008
  2. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    And he loves it !!
    The more buzzwords in the ad the better.
    Cliff, Sep 2, 2008
  3. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    Bad install or $PATH or environment variables or file
    overwritten or disk corruption similar. Possibly wrong
    language? You can get odd looking stuff when the
    language is not supported by your installed fonts & etc.
    IF other users don't have this issue it's something like
    that. If they do (all of them) then probably the vendor
    shipped the wrong file(set) with your distribution or
    something went wrong with the install script.
    Or you may be missing a needed file .. ?
    Search for files of type ".pip" (or whatever).

    Looks like a .pip file might be a compressed graphics file
    OR a MS Office Personalized Menu and Toolbar file.
    Do you have MS Office? It may be required too?

    You cannot depend on the "xc$$cv4ty" bit to actually be
    the needed file name I think.
    Cliff, Sep 2, 2008
  4. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    In case others knew more. There are some MS & other experts in AUK too
    Such a problem is not an uncommon one I gather.
    I sort of failed to note your objections to years & years worth
    of xposted winger garbage & lies to AMC.

    Do you have something constructive to add on the problem
    Cliff, Sep 3, 2008
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