
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by birty, Nov 30, 2005.

  1. birty

    birty Guest

    just curious as to how many in this group are architects?
    (and how many are autocad users)

    also curious as to how many architects have lost their jobs in the
    last 15 years or so due to autocad. (i could go back further, but no need)

    am doing a true-to-life study on the Real benefits the computer has
    brought to communities; i already know it has put a lot of people out
    of work in favour of cost-cutting.
    i also know that being an architect is now not a pre-requisite of getting
    an architectual job, but rather a knowledge of software use is.

    birty, Nov 30, 2005
  2. Here's one. I lost my job five years ago. See my website ; )

    A smart guy from Yale told me in school, "Data is not written on the surface
    of experience. It is determined by the assumptions you make when you ask
    questions." That is why asking yourself a lot of questions, especially the
    difficult ones, is a path to wisdom.

    There are MANY assumptions revealed in your questions that you may want to
    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 1, 2005
  3. Not for a while yet, I hope. Same goes for engineers.

    "HAL? HAL? I need that site plan today, HAL."
    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 1, 2005
  4. birty

    Marc Clamage Guest

    I'm not an architect but I play one on TV. Actually, some of the most valued
    employees at the place I'm working now are older guys who don't even have
    computers on their desks. They draw things by hand, pass them off to
    drafters, and really, really know their shit. I heard at a meeting though
    that they're not looking to hire any more of this kind of architect; you
    have to come with CAD skills.

    That said, you should be aware of a trend towards requiring familiarity with
    even MORE software. These would include Microsoft Project (for scheduling),
    3D Studio or Form Z (for rendering), Sketchup (for designing), PowerPoint
    (for presentations) and Illustrator (for colored presentation drawings).
    Knowing your way around a spreadsheet and word processor is also a must.

    I doubt that lack of familiarity with AutoCAD has been responsible for a lot
    of lost jobs. The dirty little secret of CAD is that it takes even longer to
    draft something using software than it does by hand. Efficiency comes into
    play when it's time to make global drawing changes, take care of red lines,
    coordinate with the engineers, print multiple copies, add details, etc..
    Marc Clamage, Dec 2, 2005
  5. Erasing and copying are clearly the biggest advantages of CAD.

    My point was that the OP's premise is so full of assumptions that he has
    prescribed his answers with his question. What about all those guys who used
    to get out of architecture school, and couldn't walk and chew gum.....or
    draw, but had intimate relations with computers? (You know the type.)

    Did these guys GET jobs because of CAD? Are they now CAD standards and
    network administrators, etc?

    Michael Bulatovich, Dec 2, 2005
  6. birty

    birty Guest

    the 'real' thing here is, I am a carpenter.
    At this moment in 'time', carpenters and any 'on-site' building
    tradesman are more in demand than any university-studied person.
    The computer has done exactly what the truth of the bible said it would,
    and it is continueing to do so.
    I am in australia, and everyday I see an announcement on the news
    whereby thousands of people are being made redundant due to the
    technological monsters we have created that put humans out of work.

    dont any of you bark at me for proclaiming the obvious and the truth.
    I dont 'dance' to your tune and I doubt any of you have time for the
    starving in countries on this globe that we all live upon.

    It is obvious now that the two replies I got are from narrow minded
    I hope you both have children.................... for they are going
    to have to live in a world of "haves" and "have-nots" that you leave
    behind for them;
    Yes, you can leave them the wealth of your bank accounts when you
    perish, but as I type you will find the "have-nots" are willing to break
    into your strong-holds just for a meal.
    Look around mister architect/software user.....
    birty, Dec 5, 2005
  7. birty

    Dr Fleau Guest

    Just for fun...

    an engineer once told me : "An engineer is a person that builds something
    for 1$ that any jerk could do with 2$"

    I thought it was funny..

    Now back to your regularly scheduled program...

    Dr Fleau, Dec 5, 2005
  8. birty

    Brian Guest

    I was about to answer your question at the beginning of the thread (I
    draw for architects and engineers) but then I came across this gem, and
    suddenly you lost a lot of credibility.....and I have to bite......

    Where in the bible does it mention computers?

    Brian NZ
    Brian, Dec 5, 2005
  9. birty

    Tim Freeman Guest

    So who is this "true-to-life study" being prepared for? Your local
    church group perhaps? You have obviously drawn your own conclusions to
    this alledged study already, which make your accusations about narrow
    mindedness quite ridiculous.
    BTW, I live in Australia too - god only knows which news channels you
    listen to...
    Tim Freeman, Dec 5, 2005
  10. birty

    Brian Salt Guest

    ....and in order to write your message and post it here, you are using
    what? Scratches on stone? Clay tablet? Pen and paper?

    I doubt it!
    Brian Salt, Dec 6, 2005
  11. birty

    Robert Guest

    Technological monsters we have created does not affect your trade so just
    get back to worked doing what you do best and keep on nailing studs and put
    up walls that are not 90 deg in the corners.

    BTW 1 inch and 3 line stong on the tape is not 45 mm

    Robert, Dec 6, 2005
  12. birty

    Brian Salt Guest

    Brian Salt, Dec 6, 2005
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