Cueing Up A Large Set of Drawings

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by JRodriguez, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. JRodriguez

    JRodriguez Guest

    I thought that there used to be a way to do this but I don't remember for sure. I'm using Acad2004, running on both XP and 2000 here at my work. I'm wondering about a way to que up drawings so that when I run a set of drawings it will put the set together without anyone else's plots going in between. We have a routine set up to QPlot large sets of drawings and I'm wondering how I would need to update that so that when someone runs a large set of drawings, they will come out all together. Without any other peoples plots going in between. I hope I explained my dilemma.

    Thanks for any help,
    JRodriguez, Apr 28, 2004
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