ctrl tab really sloooow

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by WormSign, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    This just started this morning. When I do the ctrl-tab to switch between
    open documents the mouse cursor freezes and there is nothing happening for
    several seconds. Anybody have a clue...nothing has changed on the machine
    (as far as I know) and the task manager doesn't show any real resource hogs.

    WormSign, Feb 1, 2008
  2. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    Should have mentioned that I'm running SP2.1 but have been for several days
    with no issues.
    WormSign, Feb 1, 2008
  3. Is one of your open docs a big drawing? Does it happen no matter what docs
    you have open? Even if you have 2 open? If nothing else, maybe try
    reapplying your std settings (that you have saved out) to see if something
    there has changed.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 1, 2008
  4. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    Pretty simple stuff and doesn't seem to matter what docs I have open. I
    will try to reapply the settings.

    BTW - really enjoyed your Sheet Metal presentation at SWW.

    Jeff (Wormsign)
    WormSign, Feb 1, 2008
  5. Enjoyed in spite of my squeaky non-voice? :) Which is much better now, by
    the way.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 1, 2008
  6. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    I know it must have hurt to speak but you sounded fine and I'm hard of
    hearing. I've been thinking about your presentation today as I'm working on
    some files that our customer sent in that were 'drawn' in SolidWorks...and
    the sheet metal feature is the last thing in the tree, sketches are
    undefined and hole wizzard holes have a 3d sketch as the location sketch. I
    really wish people would learn to use the software.. I'm better now thanks
    for listening.

    WormSign, Feb 1, 2008
  7. Ah, the old "I don't know where I am going with this part and have always
    done it this way." syndrome. Remember two of my important points: Learn
    good practices and stick with them, and Don't be afraid to change your sheet
    metal modeling method as the part evolves.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 1, 2008
  8. WormSign

    TOP Guest

    I've had trouble with this since day one, but not speed, it's having
    it select the wrong item.

    Did you say 2.1? I just rebuilt my image to 2.0. There goes another
    hour wasted.

    TOP, Feb 3, 2008

  9. I'm not running SW08 yet, so I don't have a clue what is happening, but
    someone on the SW forum said that the slowdown seemed to be a graphics issue
    and that having another window on top of the SW window (say the task
    manager) caused the slowdown to go away. The person who found this was using
    some program with a small window to keep SW in line.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 3, 2008
  10. WormSign

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Only if you're Czechoclovakian. The issues fixed had to do with the Czeck
    localized version.
    Dale Dunn, Feb 4, 2008
  11. You seem to use a number of assembly open in solodworks, try loading
    the assemblies in lightmode.
    Other reason may be of big drawing/open sketches/too many features in
    the drawing/part.
    If things are yet not working see to your system admin for memory
    design.santanu, Feb 5, 2008
  12. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    Okay this is really weird... right now I have 17 files open, a main
    assembly, 3 subassemblies, 4 part files and 9 drawings and the CTRL-TAB is

    And I have changed nothing.

    You seem to use a number of assembly open in solodworks, try loading
    the assemblies in lightmode.
    Other reason may be of big drawing/open sketches/too many features in
    the drawing/part.
    If things are yet not working see to your system admin for memory
    WormSign, Feb 5, 2008
  13. WormSign

    j Guest

    And just think, SP3.0 EV was just released yesterday as well. This one
    did fix the problem I had with crashes opening up assembly files after
    closing one out. Now if they could only get the graphics problems
    straightened out.
    j, Feb 5, 2008
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