CTB Problem - Everything black plots in color

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Josh, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. Josh

    Josh Guest

    I have a CTB from another contractor to accompany their files which we have
    to plot. When I select their CTB, a plot preview shows every pen in color
    even tho' they all are set to black. Selecting one of our CTBs shows
    correctly in a plot preview. This has been tried on several workstations,
    restarting AutoCAD, rebooting, etc. I even converted the CTB to an STB and
    converted the drawing to use STBs and STILL the problem persists. Moving
    the CTB from it's network folder to my local Plot Styles folder actually
    solved the problem. However, this NOT an acceptable solution.

    On a similar note, we have had the same problem with our own CTBs after
    making a single change to one pen. Every pen showed as color despite being
    assigned black. Each affected CTB had to be rebuilt from scratch using the

    All of our CTBs are networked, non-local and read-only for drafting
    standards purposes. Preferences are updated on each dwg startup to include
    the dwg's folder in the CTB search path allowing for non-standard CTBs to be
    located in the folder of the dwg that requires it.

    Does anyone have any idea what the problem is and/or how to solve it?


    Land Desktop 2002, SP1
    HP1055 (networked),
    WinXP, SP1
    Josh, Oct 21, 2004
  2. Josh

    Anne Brown Guest

    Josoh -

    While waiting for an answer, The discussion group search engine
    provides flexibility for searching through existing message
    content. To search:

    1. Go to http://discussion.autodesk.com/

    2. Select a product (Example: AutoCAD which includes print/plot)

    3. Type your keywords into the search box and click Search. I
    used "black color" as search words and got back 122 previous
    discussions on that subject. You might do so and take a look
    through them.

    Note: You can further refine your query by selecting a specific
    discussion group from the dropdown provided. Your group choices
    will vary in the drop down, based on where you have navigated on
    the discussion group site.

    Search results are sorted by relevance (a complex query of all
    relevant content based on your keywords and group choices).
    Clicking on the message result will display the entire thread
    (the series of messages and replies).
    Anne Brown, Oct 21, 2004
  3. Josh

    Josh Guest

    Thanks Anne but the topics I found don't address my issue and I don't have
    time to dig thru poorly worded subject lines....thanks tho'.

    Doesn't someone have an answer?
    Josh, Oct 22, 2004
  4. Josh

    John Schmidt Guest

    Do you have a check in the "Plot with plot styles" box under the expanded
    portion of the plot dialog box?

    John Schmidt, Oct 22, 2004
  5. Josh

    Josh Guest

    Sure do. Even tried switching that on and off a few times to no avail.
    Josh, Oct 22, 2004
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