c'sink is out is space!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Not Necessarily Me, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. just started doing this today...

    pick face of part (sheet metal flange)
    click hole wizard
    select simple/countersunk
    ..186 thru
    up to next depth
    100 degree
    ..1001 c'sink diameter

    the preview shows the conical part of feature in space, not on the surface
    when I finish the command I get a thru hole the diameter of the c'sink.

    what happened overnight??

    SW2006 SP 3.4

    TIA for any ideas to fix this
    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 16, 2006

    I should have said Legacy hole/countersunk

    And I just verified that if I use a countersunk hole (instead of legacy) and
    use custom sizing it works okay. What is weird is that I never do it this
    way. As a matter of fact I used the other method on the same size hole
    several times yesterday with no problems.

    And no I haven't done any drugs yet today!

    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 16, 2006
  3. Maybe I should have done some drugs...I had my diameters reversed.

    Just ignore these posts...too early in the morning I guess

    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 16, 2006
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