Crown Gear

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ds, May 19, 2007.

  1. Ds

    Ds Guest

    Is there a way tobuild crown gear in SolidWoks?
    Ds, May 19, 2007
  2. Ds

    TOP Guest

    If by this you mean bevel gear, yes, why not?

    TOP, May 20, 2007
  3. Ds

    Ds Guest

    Hello Top
    Do you have some macro or application that create Bevel or crown gear?

    TOP :
    Ds, May 21, 2007
  4. Ds

    TOP Guest

    There is a third party application called GearTrax that will do this.

    If you want to do it by hand, is this for a plastic molded gear or a
    steel gear?

    TOP, May 21, 2007
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