cross probing from skill

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Nadine, Nov 24, 2003.

  1. Nadine

    Nadine Guest

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to find the net/device in the extracted view corresponding
    to a schematic object from within a skill function. (Say given the net
    name /I5/I7/net31 I want to find the name of the corresponding net in
    the extracted view). Is this possible at all? If yes, how? I've
    searched the cadence documentation but didn't get further than

    Nadine, Nov 24, 2003
  2. Nadine

    Partha Guest

    If you are using a av_extracted view then this should be automatically
    done for you, look up the assura-->MSPS option. You could probe the
    whole nets, devices etc from the extracted view and highlight them in
    the schematic. Is that what you want?

    Partha, Nov 24, 2003
  3. Nadine

    Nadine Guest

    Hi Partha,

    thanks for you answer, but..

    (Partha) wrote in message
    no, not exactly. What I want to do is the following:
    I wrote an ocean script that plots certain nets from the schematic:
    awvPlotWaveform( awvGetCurrentWindow() list getData("/I9/I5/reset") ).
    Then I change the simulation settings to prefer extracted views over
    schematic ones. At the moment I have to manually look up what
    /I9/I5/reset corresponds to in the extracted view and alter the script
    (and that after every extraction...). I'd like to have an automatic
    way to do the job for me.

    Nadine, Nov 25, 2003
  4. Nadine

    S. Badel Guest

    i believe it is possible to generate a correspondence file
    through LVS. never done it, though...

    S. Badel, Nov 26, 2003
  5. Nadine

    Nadine Guest

    Hi Stephane,

    Yes, I've tried that. The file format (of file xref.out) is trivial
    and could easily be consumed by awk-magic:
    N0 N0
    N1 N1
    N2 N719
    (apparently "net in schematic" "space" "net in extracted")
    followed by a section for the instances.

    I failed to match the "N2" to any net in the schematic (or rather the
    other way round), however...

    Nadine, Nov 26, 2003
  6. Nadine

    S. Badel Guest

    this is because LKS creates his own flat netlists. in those netlists, the
    nets are named as numbers,
    N0, N1 etc... that you have seen. i believe, not sure though, that this is
    because when flattening
    the netlist, name clashes may occur so it assigns numbers to net to make
    sure this doesn't happen.

    anyway, the netlist format is described in diva (you're using diva, right?)
    reference in the appendix D.

    the first part of this netlist is the mapping table of net names to net
    numbers. precisely what you are looking for.
    for example:
    t 3 OUT output
    t 4 IN input
    n 1 vdd!
    n 0 gnd!
    n 2 /OUT
    n 3 /IN
    where, you guessed it, t stands for terminal and n stands for net. same
    thing in the extracted netlist.

    those netlists can be found in lvs_directory/schematic/netlist and

    if you have some scripting skills (regexps will do it, even in SKILL) you
    will be able to decipher this.

    i'm not sure this is the best way to do this, but it should work... good
    S. Badel, Nov 27, 2003
  7. Nadine

    Nadine Guest

    Hi Stephane,

    Thank you so much. This is exactly what I'm looking for. I was
    searching for "N0" in all the files... Turns out they didn't stick to
    one notation for the net numbers...

    Nadine, Nov 27, 2003
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