Creation of New Files

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Shaggy, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    Hello everyone. I've had an issue that has been eating away at me for
    some time now. I'm currently running SW 06 s.p.4.1 in conjunction with
    PDMWorks but I've noticed this problem at least since the 2006 release.
    I'm hoping someone can explain why this happens. Every now and again
    I will find a new SW file that I didn't create. The file is always a
    copy of an existing file either on my local drive or in the vault. The
    file is the same in every way with the exception of the revision number
    preceding the file name. I have asked our reseller's tech support and
    was flat out told that PDMWorks/SW will not create a new file.

    I have finally recreated the actions that lead to this outcome and have
    proven it on my co-workers computer but I am still wondering how or
    why. It happens when I go to document information in the vault view,
    choose the view tab, and print the file. The file is printed from
    Edrawings, the program that views the file from the vault. I'm not
    sure if these are the only actions that lead to the creation of new
    files because I have only recently discovered that files can be printed
    directly from the vault in this way.

    I did find a blurb about Edrawings creating temp files from a string in
    2000 but wasn't for sure. Is it correct assuming that Edrawings is the
    culprit that is making these new files? Is this a typical function of
    Edrawings? I would greatly appreciate anyone's insight into this
    Shaggy, Jun 27, 2006
  2. Shaggy

    TheDoc Guest


    I don't think there is too much to add. It seems like you have it
    figured out. If you enter the options screen in PDM Works Client, you
    should see a group of options at the bottom of the screen for temporary
    viewing files, including an address and "delete temporary viewing
    files" button. If you click on the help button, you'll get this:

    Temporary viewing files
    When you view a document in eDrawings, the file is copied into the
    specified directory. The SolidWorks DrawCompare tool and SolidWorks
    Utilities comparison tools also use this directory. Type a path and
    folder name or browse to a folder.

    On my system, temp viewing files are created whenever I use the
    document information window, as you mentioned, or when I use the "view"
    tab in the preview section. Both of these actions use eDrawings to
    view the model. Sounds like your VAR was mis-informed.

    TheDoc, Jun 29, 2006
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