Creating tube with bends

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Terry G, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. Terry G

    Terry G Guest

    I am working with solidworks 2004 and I am having a difficult time figuring
    out the best way to create a tube frame. I will be using a 3" CLR with 1"
    diameter round tubing. I will also be bending in the X, Y and Z axis on a
    single piece of tube. I was planning on making a mock up frame out of some
    thinwall copper tubing that I could re-bend and get the desired shape and
    angles I want, then measuring off of this mock up and creating my actual
    frame. But I thought it would be much better do design it in solidworks
    first and see how I like it before I start bending.

    I have most everything else already designed. The tires, hubs, sprocket,
    axle mounts, forks, triple clamps, steering tube, swing arm, etc. I was
    leaving the frame for last because I had no idea where to start.

    Any help or tutorials would be greatly appreciated.

    Terry G, Feb 12, 2004
  2. Terry,

    Just a comment; Thin wall tubing presents far more difficulty to bend
    than thick wall, in case you were thinking of actually trying it.

    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Feb 12, 2004
  3. Terry,
    Here is my suggestion. Set orthogonal views of your frame ( top,front,
    side) . This will be your base to build to.

    As an example here is a frame or roll cage .
    __ __ ____
    /\ \ \
    / \ \ \
    / \ \__ \___ _ \
    \ / | \
    / __ _|__ _ \
    / \
    ( really bad isometric view of frame or roll cage )

    The frame or roll cage runs in a curved shape like the top of a turtles
    shell in the front view
    __ ___ __
    / \
    / \
    / \
    (side view of one side of frame)

    but looking at it from the top view it is curving in towards the center (
    like the side view but on top)
    __ ___ __
    / \
    / \
    / \
    (top view of same side of frame)

    Take those two curves and make a composite curve of the two
    (insert-curve-composite). That will give you a curve to run a sweep using a
    sketch (create plane normal to line at one of the end points.) with a
    Repeat for the other side. Solid works will let you do this using multiple
    bodies. Now take your cross members and using the a plane created between
    the members you can extrude those pieces up to surface on both sides.
    once it is done. place the art in your assembly to see that everything fits
    okay. then you can go back and break the part up into individual pieces for
    manufacturing. you can interrogate the composite curve for total length to
    tell you how long that piece needs to be cut .

    I hope this helps. If I have confused you just email off group and I can
    send you a file example.

    Todd Anderson
    Todd Anderson, Feb 12, 2004
  4. Thanks for the comment. The problem is not bending the tube. Thick or
    thin wall, I have the proper tools for this. I wanted to simulate
    what I was building before I actually built it. Since this is a one
    of a kind frame I am designing, I do not have any exact dimensions,
    just ideas and some sketches. It would be nice to create the frame in
    solidworks, add it to my other components and then be able to tweak it
    until I was happy with the shape and fit. Then I could take
    measurements from this simulated frame to create the actual one.

    I know it can be done, I just don't know how to go about it. I was
    able to create all my other components without much trouble, but I'm
    just not sure how to create tubing with bends in it.
    Terry Gastouniotis, Feb 12, 2004
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