Creating Notches in part from Others in Assembly? (lincoln log type)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Riley, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. Riley

    Riley Guest

    This seems like it should be something really easy but I can't seem to
    find a way to do this, I've searched for the past hour for an answer
    and can't find one.

    OK, this is going to be hard to explain, I'll do my best.

    I have modeled a long box with a draft angle on one of the vertical
    surface at 22 degrees. I then have another rectangle box
    perpendicular to that. Both completely intersect each other. What I
    need to do is have that common volume area divided in half vertically.
    Then subtract the lower half of that common volume area from the
    perpendicular box, and subtract the upper half of the common volume
    area from the larger box.

    Then end result would be two seperate parts, locked togther in a sort
    of lincoln log joint. These need to be done in the context of the
    assembly because they are both seperate parts that need to "nest"

    thanks for any help or insight,
    Riley, Aug 19, 2004
  2. How often do you need to do this? Is it a one time thing or will it be a
    common occurance>

    Corey Scheich, Aug 19, 2004
  3. Riley

    Riley Guest

    Hello Corey,

    Fairly often, almost in every model i will be doing, I hope you didn't
    answer the question like that because it will be a pain, :(

    BTW, I have been refreshing this page every couple of minutes, how did
    you reply so fast? I am using google groups, is there a better way
    that is more up to date, because when i posted this it said it would
    take 3-9 hours.

    Thanks for the reply and I hope there is an easy way to do this.
    Riley, Aug 19, 2004
  4. Yeah I tried a scenerio of two cylindrical parts at some arbetrary angle and
    it wasn't pretty. I will have to give it some thought.

    If you use OutLook and goto View>GoTo>News and it will take you to Outlook
    Or if you use Outlook Express I think it is somewhere in the menus but I
    can't remember exactly where. Anyway you set up an account Tools>account.
    I post to I don't remember how I got a login though.
    Then you subscribe to a news group. Tools>News goups here it is
    Comp.cad.solidworks. You will receive answers within an hour sometimes
    10-15 min. Maybe someone who has a better memory can fill in the blanks

    Corey Scheich, Aug 20, 2004
  5. Could you e-mail me your example. I have eroneous info in my address remove
    it and you will be cooking.

    Corey Scheich, Aug 20, 2004

  6. Actually, it's, which does come from Germany. Log on to
    their website < > and register. In a day or two
    they will send you the information to set up your account.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 20, 2004
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