Creating multipart PATHS with SKILL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Stavros Eleftherakis, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. Hello,
    I am trying an octagonal path of N turns in virtuoso writting with
    skill. Each turn has 8 seperate paths that they are pieced together
    with the command list() At my code i use the command dbCreatePath N
    times to build the path.But the last path of one turn is not coincide
    perfectly with the first path of the next turn (because of the 45
    degrees angle that differ).
    Can i have a loop into the command dbCreatePath like this ( to have a
    unique path) ? How can i fix this problem?
    Thank you very much,

    pcInst = dbCreatPath(pcCellView
    list(pcLayer pcPurpose)
    for(i 1 Nspires
    ); list
    ) ;for
    Stavros Eleftherakis, Feb 4, 2005
  2. How about
    having the loop outside of the
    dbCreate command and store to output in a list of points

    let( ( l_points )

    for( i 1 Nspires
    l_points = cons( l_newPoint l_points )
    ) ;; close for

    ( tx_layer [ t_purpose ] )


    ) ;; close let

    and why did you not use the 'rodCreatePath' function
    rather than dbCreatePath?

    Bernd Fischer, Feb 4, 2005
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