Creating/Importing New Materials for Photoworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris Graham, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. Chris Graham

    Chris Graham Guest

    I see from searching the archives on "Google Groups" that there are
    suggestions to seach the web for "texture archives", or something similar.

    Can PhotoWorks import any standard texture format I might find?

    Also, can anyone suggest any tutorials on creating custom materials?


    - Chris
    Chris Graham, Nov 28, 2004
  2. PhotoWorks can use almost any standard image or texture file(jpg, tiff, bmp,
    gif, etc) to create materials. Most materials you find will be in one of
    these formats. Other than PW help I don't know of any tutorials on creating
    materials. You might try searching the SolidWorks website or consulting a
    PhotoWorks training manual. Once you have an image the actual material
    creation is pretty straight forward and is covered sufficiently in
    PhotoWorks help. Making the new material look and work accurately is the
    tricky part. Lots of trial and error is the only way I know of to achieve a
    good end result.
    Rob Rodriguez, Nov 29, 2004
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