Creating Drawings from the generics' table

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by cad/cam/guy, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. cad/cam/guy

    cad/cam/guy Guest

    So I have a model with 400+ instances each a little different size

    I create a drawing of the generic, dimension it up and save.

    I need drawings of all, not a chart<table> on the drawing with the
    different values.

    Now I can replace the model with a different instance and it's all
    dim'ed up like the I save this under the instance
    name.... and so on and so forth??

    some of this can be mapkeyed... but not going to the next instance or
    adding the new name of the drawing....least I haven't been able to...
    &model_name doesn't pass to the save as name and the instance box you
    have to click the name, so if you record you just get that name...
    arrow keys don't work in the box..defaults to generic.

    I did find toolkit app. to blow out the models from the table, but not
    the drawings.

    So is it the replace it again method or is there
    another way ?? Someone know of a software out there?

    cad/cam/guy, Jun 9, 2005
  2. cad/cam/guy

    David Janes Guest

    Have you heard of Pro/BATCH. It comes with every installation of Pro/e, but, to do
    this, it would probably need a list, generated from the generic, of all the
    instances you wanted to show and print. Then it would probably run your mapkey to
    print the drawings. Except for running it overnight, unattended, it's horribly
    inefficient because it doesn't stay "in session". Or, perhaps you can run it from
    'Window>Open system window' (Or possibly include this in your mapkey?) There are
    also third party batching utilities commercially available for Pro/e work like
    David Janes, Jun 10, 2005
  3. cad/cam/guy

    cad/cam/guy Guest

    It looks to me that Pro_batch will convert model to iges,step, stl and
    some other formats but doesn't take a model and break it out into
    instances. It also looks like it with batch out nc seq. files to ncl
    files which is pretty cool.

    If I select a model with instances, pro_batch is jsut showing the
    generic name, not sure what will come out, sneaky feeling that if I
    iges that out it will just be the generic, but will try and see

    I have been using pro_batch to covert the drawing files to dxf format,
    so far it has worked fine.

    So far I haven't found any 3rd party apps. to create all drawings from
    the generic. I did find one to create all models from the generic and I
    guess if I did that I could use pro_batch to create iges or step
    instead of dxf which would be fine, but certainly will chew up a good
    deal more file space... x number of models and x number of iges/step
    files vs 1 model and x number of dxf files.

    Also found this brought up before and the suggestion was to create a
    trail file and edit it but that will involve as much keystroking and
    mousing as the other method.
    Another suggestion was add model to drawing instead of replace , but
    then you are faced with having to export the sheets, it works out about
    the same as replacing
    does have a little better mapkeying ability and you can put a few on a
    sheet, cut it down some.

    I'm going to get this down to something easy some how or another :)
    Thanks....I'll let you know what I come up with
    cad/cam/guy, Jun 10, 2005
  4. cad/cam/guy

    cad/cam/guy Guest

    Use Word Vba to grab info and write the ever changing mapkey or trail
    file if you prefer.
    600+ drawings in ten minutes unattended :)
    cad/cam/guy, Jun 13, 2005
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