Creating drawing files for various configurations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by david, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. david

    david Guest

    Hi there,
    I'm wanting to create a set of drawings for some die inserts that are
    very similar to some already modelled and drafted. I'm trying to save
    time by not having to recreate the views, sections and dimensions. Is
    it possible to create two seperate drawing files from the the same
    part file but pointing at differnet configurations and still utilise
    some of the data from one drawing file in the next without blowing
    apart the original drawing file?
    david, Mar 1, 2007
  2. david

    j Guest

    Save the drawing file to a different name. If you want to link between
    the drawings you won't be able to do that but you can change
    configurations on one drawing that wont affect the other drawing.
    j, Mar 1, 2007
  3. Save the drawing with a new name. then RMB a view, click properties, then
    pick the configuration you want to change to. Be sure to change all the
    views. It should save you some time

    Mike Eckstein
    Michael Eckstein, Mar 1, 2007
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