Creating Bends in SolidWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Cedar Student, Apr 21, 2004.

  1. Ok, I am creating a reverse engineering project for one of my
    engineering Graphics classes. My project is to recreate a model of
    toenail clippers in SolidWorks. I am struggling with how to bend the
    front of the clipper blade to recreate the concave appearance of the
    original object. I am building the model using the Sheet metal tools.
    I think I should be using the Sketch Bend feature, but I am unsure of
    how to orient the sketch to bend to the concave shape that I am
    looking for. I have asked my instructor, but he is unfamiliar with
    using any of the sheet metal techniques in SolidWorks and referred me
    to this Site. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
    Cedar Student, Apr 21, 2004
  2. Cedar Student

    Dennis Guest

    I woudn't use the sheet metal tools at all. Build it as an assembley,
    using your extrude, and cut. If you're referring to the front cutting
    edge of the clippers, you would create a plane at the correct angle.
    Once you had this just cut down through the front edge of the part on
    that plane.

    Dennis, Apr 21, 2004
  3. Cedar Student

    Andrew Troup Guest

    Sheet metal features require that the fold lines be straight. As I
    understand it, you are trying to create the effect that a curved fold line
    would deliver. (Possibly complicated by the fact that you may want the bend
    angle to vary along the fold line)

    You can however mix solid features with sheet metal features. Just do the
    sheetmetal stuff first, then add the desired solid features. In this case,
    "Revolve with thin feature" or "Loft with thin feature" should do the trick,
    and you can link the thickness to the sheetmetal part.
    Use revolve if the desired result is conical, loft if not.

    The forming tool approach suggested in another post would work, and has some
    advantages, but it is more involved than just modelling what you want as an
    additional solid feature.

    "Lofted bend", in isolation and performed first, allows generating the shape
    you want , but does not AFAIK support modelling the remainder of the
    clippers as sheetmetal.
    Andrew Troup, Apr 22, 2004
  4. Cedar Student

    mplanchard Guest

    Dear Student,

    The top piece of your clipper is going to change thickness - which is
    invalid for a sheet metal part. Your bend line won't be straight
    which is also invalid. Create an Extruded Base feature on both sides
    of the reference plane. Build the bend into the sketch profile.

    Your instructor is wise to send you here. I have never seen a group
    so helpful to help others. Learn from your instructor and on your
    own. Come back later and help others. Check out and see if there is
    a local SW users group in your area. You can learn alot there too.

    Regards, Marie
    mplanchard, Apr 22, 2004
  5. Cedar Student

    rocheey Guest

    The top piece of your clipper is going to change thickness - which is
    Nice catch. Sounds like it would be easier to have his toenails grow
    with the bends already in them.
    rocheey, Apr 23, 2004
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