creating and inserting SLDLFP's

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mik, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. mik

    mik Guest

    Hi folks, hope somebody can help.

    When inserting a library feature that i have just created into a part,
    I get the following warning "this is not a valid library feature. must
    have only one mandatory reference etc".

    Where do i find and how do i edit the mandatory references ?

    I am using SW2003 SP3.0
    mik, Dec 12, 2003
  2. Are you inserting it from the feature palette because if you go to....
    insert>Library Feature.... it allows you to have more than one mandatory
    reference. I am not quite sure why they don't allow this from the feature

    Corey Scheich, Dec 12, 2003
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