Creating an isolate routine

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Marcel Janmaat, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. Yes, as a matter of fact there is not one, but
    two sets of rules.

    One for me, and one for everyone else.

    In general, personal attacks are not allowed, unless
    they are made against yours truly (to wit, see the
    two personal attacks on me in this very thread).

    Also, certain words or manner of speech are permitted
    to be used by most, but not by myself.

    You might think I'm kidding you, but for years I've
    been meticulously documenting it.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 4, 2004
  2. Sometime my vocabulary leaves me in the dark...

    meticulously means?

    Cant find it in my English to Dutch online dictionary.
    Marcel Janmaat, May 4, 2004
  3. Marcel Janmaat

    Anne Brown Guest

    Would you like the entire discussion removed? I read this as a
    heated discussion not a personal attack on anyone but to sustain
    your meticulous records, we could remove it all rather than pick
    and chose.

    Just reply with your wishes.
    Anne Brown, May 4, 2004
  4. Marcel Janmaat

    Mark Propst Guest

    now THAT was a meticulous definition!

    me·tic·u·lous ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-tky-ls)
    Mark Propst, May 4, 2004
  5. Tony, if you considered my post an attack I am
    completely surprised, and I am sorry. I did not
    mean for it to read that way.

    I responded because I could not, in good conscience,
    let John twist in the wind by himself. Having been
    the target of newsgroup bullying in the past, I
    simply cannot let my silence suggest bullying or
    personal attacks are acceptable.

    Given what you just posted I know you understand.



    Yes, as a matter of fact there is not one, but
    two sets of rules.

    One for me, and one for everyone else.

    In general, personal attacks are not allowed, unless
    they are made against yours truly (to wit, see the
    two personal attacks on me in this very thread).

    Also, certain words or manner of speech are permitted
    to be used by most, but not by myself.

    You might think I'm kidding you, but for years I've
    been meticulously documenting it.
    michael puckett, May 4, 2004
  6. Marcel Janmaat

    Doug Broad Guest

    [From Latin metculsus, timid, from metus, fear.]

    The latin roots don't really apply though do they? ;-)

    Should we assume you desire no more "help" with your actual
    Doug Broad, May 4, 2004
  7. I more or less lost track. I read somthing about xoffset. I think thats
    somthing i can use.
    So on my behave, lets call it the end of this discussion? It was a
    discussion, was it?

    Marcel Janmaat, May 4, 2004
  8. Are you're serious?

    Don't bother removing anything, I'm not nearly as
    thin skinned as some hypersensitive participants
    in this thread.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 4, 2004
  9. Has your problem (with coding) been solved? If not, then
    feel free to ask for as much help as you want. The other
    question regarding 'give and take' is not an issue. There's
    no expectations regarding that. Ask as many questions or
    post as many requests as you want. There's plenty of folks
    here that are more than anxious and happy to help.

    If you think John's end-user solution would suit your
    needs, then by all means, go for it.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 4, 2004
  10. Marcel Janmaat

    John Uhden Guest

    Thanks, Michael, but it's hopeless as usual. I really feel bad for Marcel. The
    poor fellow ended up getting caught in a crossfire.
    John Uhden, May 5, 2004
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