Creating an instalation package and EXE file

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by alkimium, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. alkimium

    alkimium Guest


    i´ve develop an VBA application dvb file, in this file i´ve some forms and modules. At this moment i've a problem, i want to sell my aplication and i would like to create an installation package.

    There's another problem, in all of AutoCAD third party application i've tested, theres always an .exe file that you have to execute to run the application, and i would like to do something like this. Can anyone tell me how to do this, at this moment i only have the dvb file.

    I've Visual Studio.

    Thanks in advance

    alkimium, Jan 6, 2005
  2. alkimium

    MP Guest

    does this mean you DO have visual studio?
    If that's the case, you can compile to exe.
    Put your forms and mods into a vs project.
    Convert what's necessary due to differences between vba and vb
    (eg you need to connect to autocad your self if you're running from
    "standalone" vb exe instead of inside autocad via vba
    also if you have any references to ThisDrawing, you need to convert to the
    doc object you create via the vb exe
    also public and private may have to adjust in various places depending on
    how you have it in your vba dvb
    etc etc etc )

    Then compile to exe.

    modules. At this moment i've a problem, i want to sell my aplication and i
    would like to create an installation package.
    tested, theres always an .exe file that you have to execute to run the
    application, and i would like to do something like this. Can anyone tell me
    how to do this, at this moment i only have the dvb file.
    MP, Jan 6, 2005
  3. alkimium

    alkimium Guest


    Yes, thats the meaning, i wrote that sentence because i supoose the only way to generate an exe file is with VB
    alkimium, Jan 6, 2005
  4. alkimium

    MP Guest

    way to generate an exe file is with VB

    that's correct
    MP, Jan 6, 2005
  5. alkimium

    hendie Guest

    hendie, Jan 7, 2005
  6. Hi,

    To create an installation for your clients you also need to create and load
    a menu so the user can use your program. You will also need help files, and
    a licensing system unless you intend to give it away.

    After about 2 years of research, development and testing I've now got Inno
    Setup doing this at the level of elegance I want, but like Autodesk, I still
    use HTM files to provide the primary user interface for the installation.

    Note that I got an initial process running in Inno Setup on day 1, but I
    keep seeing ways of improving it.

    Like Hendie, I looked at Acad Install, but never really came to grips with
    it. Now I've got script in Inno Setup which provides the same functionality
    as Acad Install.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 7, 2005
  7. Laurie,

    Care to share that Inno script?

    Jim Dowthwaite
    Jim Dowthwaite, Jan 7, 2005
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