Creating a Text frame

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matthew.Corbin, Jan 15, 2004.

  1. I'm trying to figure out how to create a frame around text. I have been using the GetBoundingBox method, and it works great as long as the text has no rotation, but if the text is rotated I end up with some strange results, especially when using the rotation property for acadtext. Any ideas on an alternative?
    Matthew Corbin
    Matthew.Corbin, Jan 15, 2004
  2. Matthew.Corbin

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Here's a Function that I found in a post on this group last year. I
    don't recall who posted it, and my apologies to the original poster
    and/or author. I will usually make a note of it in the code and for some
    unknown reason failed to do so with this.

    By getting the actual text length based on a 0 degree rotated text
    bounding box, you can create your box from there. I use this to
    determine whether the length of a line is long enough to have the text
    string over it, or place it with a leader.


    Public Function GetTextLength(tx As AcadEntity) As Double
    Dim pt1 As Variant, pt2 As Variant
    Dim dbLen As Double, dbDist As Double
    Dim dbAng As Double, dbTempAng As Double

    dbAng = tx.Rotation
    If dbAng <> 0 Then
    tx.Rotation = 0 ' Change the Text rotation to zero to get the
    actual bounding box
    tx.GetBoundingBox pt1, pt2
    dbTempAng = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(pt1, pt2)
    dbLen = Cos(dbTempAng) * Distance(pt1, pt2)
    tx.Rotation = dbAng ' Change back to its original Rotation Angle
    tx.GetBoundingBox pt1, pt2
    dbTempAng = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(pt1, pt2)
    dbLen = Cos(dbTempAng) * Distance(pt1, pt2)
    End If
    GetTextLength = dbLen
    End Function

    been using the GetBoundingBox method, and it works great as long as the
    text has no rotation, but if the text is rotated I end up with some
    strange results, especially when using the rotation property for
    acadtext. Any ideas on an alternative?
    Jeff Mishler, Jan 15, 2004
  3. Thanks for the info. How would I incorporate that into this loop...

    If TypeOf Entry Is AcadText Then
    End If
    I've selected the text along with some blocks in a selection set and I want to do different things for both types of objects so I've used that IF statement, but I'm still a little new to this and haven't dove into using public functions. At the moment all my code is in one big Sub.
    Matthew.Corbin, Jan 15, 2004
  4. Matthew.Corbin

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Just place the function code in a seperate module. Then in your If

    If TypeOf Entry Is AcadText Then
    Dim TextLength As Double
    TextLength = GetTextLength(Entry)
    'the code to make your box here, using TextLength as your basis
    End If

    I just thought I should mention, this code will work with blocks,


    want to do different things for both types of objects so I've used that
    IF statement, but I'm still a little new to this and haven't dove into
    using public functions. At the moment all my code is in one big Sub.
    Jeff Mishler, Jan 15, 2004
  5. Jeff,
    That was exactly what I was needing. I appreciate your help. No need to use it for the blocks as they are all circles :D
    As always this group never fails to produce results for me!
    Kind Regards,
    Matthew Corbin
    Matthew.Corbin, Jan 15, 2004
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