Creating a new linetype?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bill Allen, May 26, 2004.

  1. Bill Allen

    Bill Allen Guest

    How hard is it to create a new linetype?

    I'm thinking one that would work as a revsion cloud, controlling the arc
    size by changing the linetype scale.

    Maybe this has already been done.

    Maybe someone's already thought of this and discovered it's a bad idea.


    Bill Allen, May 26, 2004
  2. Bill Allen

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    It's already been done.
    Rudy Tovar, May 27, 2004
  3. Bill Allen

    Walt Engle Guest

    What ver autocad? Try typing revcloud.
    Walt Engle, May 27, 2004
  4. Bill Allen

    Bill Allen Guest

    Thanks, Rudy.

    Soooo....where can I get it?

    Bill Allen, May 27, 2004
  5. Bill Allen

    C Witt Guest

    he does not want to use rev cloud.. "work as rev cloud".. not the
    actual command..

    he wants a line type that will "look" like a RC, but will remain the
    same size no matter what scale the VP is at.. (very handy.. i've seen
    it on a few surveys).
    C Witt, May 27, 2004
  6. Bill Allen

    Bill Allen Guest

    Hi, Walt.


    I don't like revcloud. It's hard to control (start, stop, straight lines),
    can't use ortho, polar, snaps or osnaps. IMO, it looks pretty amateur. IIRC,
    I had the control I desire when I used Softdesk's AEC tools.

    But it seems to me that a linetype would work although I've never created my
    own custom linetype, so I don't know how difficult that is. I would rather
    obtain it from someone else who has already done it.


    Bill Allen, May 27, 2004
  7. Bill Allen

    TCEBob Guest

    First create a file called "tree3.shp" and enter this:

    Save it and in Acad say "Compile." Follow the directions to make the new shp

    Then edit Acad.lin and insert this:


    If it bothers you to call it treeline, rename it to cloud. I use it for both.

    Easiest way to use it is SKETCH. Set it for pline.


    First create a file called "tree3.shp" and enter this:

    Save it and in Acad say "Compile." Follow the directions to make the new shp

    Then edit Acad.lin and insert this:


    If it bothers you to call it treeline, rename it to cloud. I use it for both.

    Easiest way to use it is SKETCH. Set it for pline.

    TCEBob, May 27, 2004
  8. Bill Allen

    TCEBob Guest

    .. . . .
    .. . . .

    TCEBob, May 27, 2004
  9. Bill Allen

    Walt Engle Guest

    Your choice - also, revcloud with cligraphy is available from 2000 or 2002.
    Walt Engle, May 27, 2004
  10. Bill Allen

    Bill Allen Guest

    Walt -

    The caligraphy option doesn't solve the line control problem.

    But thanks anyway.

    Bill Allen, May 27, 2004
  11. Bill Allen

    Bill Allen Guest

    O.K., I did this (twice).
    I got no directions to make the new shp file. I just got the following

    Compilation successful. Output file C:\Program Files\AutoCAD
    2002\Support\treeline.shx contains 127 bytes.

    When I try to open acad.lin, I get the following error:
    Bad definition of TREELN at line 123 of file C:\Program Files\AutoCAD
    This is what it looks like in my acad.lin:


    Any ideas what I did wrong?



    Bill Allen, May 27, 2004
  12. Bill Allen

    TCEBob Guest

    But it compiled, eh? You probably had the good sense to remove the line wraps. I
    forgot about that and tried it myself. It wouldn't compile until I put the lines
    back together.

    Here it is, straight out of my acad.lin -- I had to make it "tree4" to avoid


    (again, watch for wordwrap)

    My bad, I forgot to include the path. Works better now.

    If you use sketch you need to set skpoly to 1. Also need to set Plinetype to 1
    or 2.

    Here's a little lisp function which will make it more transparent

    (defun c:cld( / ) ;use treeln linetype to make a cloud
    (setq ltold(getvar "celtype"))
    (setq ptyold(getvar "plinetype"))
    (setvar "celtype" "treeline")
    (setvar "plinetype" 1)
    (command "sketch" "")
    ;(command "pline" (while (/= (getvar "cmdactive") 0)
    ; (command pause)))
    (command "pedit" "l" "close" "spline" "")
    (setvar "celtype" ltold)
    (setvar "plinetype" ptyold)

    I haven't decided whether I like Sketch or Pline so I included both. Just
    comment out the alternate one.

    With a little more polishing we should be able to come up with a duplicate of
    the native command.


    TCEBob, May 27, 2004
  13. Try defining a shape that's a single arc, and putting it into a linetype
    similar to the way AutoCAD's Batting and Zigzag linetypes work.

    Without analyzing it very deeply, it looks to me like TCEBob's TREE3 shape
    is a multi-bulge sort of irregular thing that could look fine for a
    treeline, but may not have the look you want for a revision cloud. (And I'm
    puzzled by some of its elements, like apparent multiple scalings up and down
    all together, but let that pass....)

    But for a revision cloud, I think you want something as short as possible,
    namely a single arc. Any shape definition that ends up back at zero in the
    X direction will work fine in a complex linetype for a straight application,
    but when you use it on an arc, or circle, or arc segment of a polyline, the
    shape is put in tangent to the curve at the point of its insertion. So the
    longer the shape is, and the tighter the curve, the farther the successive
    shapes will be from meeting at their ends.

    Try drawing an arc using the Batting or Zigzag linetypes, and make it a
    pretty tight curve with a pretty big relative linetype scale, and you'll see
    that the shapes don't touch at the ends. The mismatch can be more obvious
    if you do a polyline made of straight line segments, with Linetype
    Generation enabled, and look at the bends. They make it better (at least in
    curved situations) in the linetype definition by offsetting the shape
    "backward" by half the distance between shapes, so the tangent point is in
    the middle of the shape location, and the mismatch is minimized, and equal
    on both ends. (Muddy enough for you? Look at the effects on-screen, and
    study the shape definition and linetype definition, to get the idea.) But
    the longer the shape is, the greater will be the mismatch on curves and
    bends, which is why you should keep the shape as short as possible.

    To be sure you know how long it is, it's probably best to do the
    bulge-specified arc (shape-definition code 12). You could add something to
    ltypeshp.shp, like:


    (Change the 136 if you already have extra shapes defined in there, and the
    70 if you don't like that amount of bulge.) That gives you an arc 2 "units"
    long, just like the "length" of the Batting shape. (Re-compile ltypeshp.shp
    into a new ltypeshp.shx.) Then make a "copy" linetype of Batting in
    acad.lin, change the name and substitute in the cloudarc shape, and leave
    out Batting's inverted second insertion, something like:

    *REVISION,Revision Cloud Arcs \_/\_/\_/\_/ <not a very good visual
    approximation, but what can you do?>


    As with Revcloud, you have to draw it in the correct direction, or the arcs
    bulge inward instead of outward.
    If the length isn't just right in relation to the linetype cycle, there will
    be straight-line (or plain-curve) portions at the ends. It can't adjust to
    close cleanly the way Revcloud does.
    If you make a polyline cloud of straight segments, with linetype generation,
    there will be mismatches at the corners. If you make the same shape with
    individual lines, or a polyline without linetype generation, the ends will
    meet but there will usually be straight-line pieces at all of the ends.
    If you make a polyline cloud with curves, there will be mismatches along the
    curves, though if they're gentle enough curves relative to the linetype
    scale, you may not notice.
    Unlike Revcloud, you can't snap to the visible bulges on this linetype. If
    you put a typical triangle with a number in it to indicate the revision
    number, and want to connect it with a line to the cloud, with Revcloud you
    can snap to Nearest or Midpoint or Endpoint or Perpendicular or whatever on
    any of the bulges, because they're polyline arc segments. But if you snap
    to something like that on a cloud made with this linetype, it'll go to the
    "base" path of the line/arc/polyline/circle, which won't actually be on the
    visible cloud edge except at the endpoints of the arcs on straight segments
    of the cloud boundary (but even where they do lie on the path like that, you
    can't snap to them with Endpoint osnap).

    Good luck!

    Kent Cooper, AIA
    Kent Cooper, AIA, May 27, 2004
  14. Bill Allen

    Walt Engle Guest

    Merely telling him about the availability of this neat feature which is not
    in 2004 - nothing to do with want he wants.
    Walt Engle, May 27, 2004
  15. Bill Allen

    Bill Allen Guest

    I still get an error:
    Bad definition of REVISION at line 123 of file C:\Program Files\AutoCAD
    This is part of my acad.lin:
    *REVISION,Revision Cloud Arcs
    (I included the ZIG above to show that paths are not the problem)
    This is part of my revised ltypeshp.shp file:



    Thanks for the help.

    Bill Allen, May 27, 2004
  16. Nothing is obviously wrong to me. Some things to check:

    The shape number after the asterisk has to be unique to the file, so if
    there's another shape definition starting with *1, in the same file, change
    the number of one of them.

    As TCEBob mentioned, there needs to be a return or blank line at the end of
    a shape definition file, but I'm not sure about a linetype definition file.
    If the end of the Revision definition line is the end of the file, try going
    there and hitting Enter to put a blank line at the end.

    (Did ltypeshp.shp get recompiled into a new ltypeshp.shx file?)

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, May 27, 2004
  17. Bill Allen

    Bill Allen Guest

    Kent -

    The shape number is unique. This is my entire shape file:







    I'm SURE there's a blank line at the end of the file. I'm using Notepad.
    Isn't that O.K.?
    Yes, I recompiled ltypeshp.shp. Just in case I forgot, I did it again.

    What I'm thinking now is that I would be better of either knowing what I'm
    doing in creating a new linetype instead of blindly taking direction (even
    though I appreciate everyone's help), or use a routine that's already been

    BTW Kent, as an architect, what do you use to create revision clouds? I work
    in the same "world" as a structural engineer.



    Bill Allen, May 27, 2004
  18. Bill Allen

    Bill Allen Guest

    Kent, et. al.;

    I think I might have found the problem. I did have a cr and linefeed. It
    appears that I had too many of 'em. I deleted all of them except for one,
    recompiled and it works fine.

    Further, so far, the line type approach to revision clouds seem to do what I
    want it to do (snap, osnap, ortho, polar, etc. functions still work). I'm
    not too worried about what it looks like in the corners.

    Thanks for all the help.


    Bill Allen, May 27, 2004
  19. Actually, I do use Revcloud. Before it existed, I built a sort of "system"
    of unit-length blocks with different numbers of bulges, and lisp routines
    that asked for endpoints, and based on the distance between them, chose one
    of those blocks to put in, etc., etc. It made a respectable looking end
    product, but was even more cumbersome to actually use than Revcloud is.

    But, hey, maybe now that you've got this thing going, maybe I'll try it out
    and see whether I like it better overall.

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, May 27, 2004
  20. Bill Allen

    et al. Guest

    I'm glad you have a workable solution and I wish you well on your journey into
    the future.

    et al.
    et al., May 27, 2004
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