CreateTypedArray problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by amartim, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. amartim

    amartim Guest

    Hi, I am getting "type mismatch" error when I try to retrieve a value from the vector. Can anyone help me?

    I am using vbscript, IE6, Autocad2002


    Dim AcadObj
    Dim AcadDoc
    Dim AcadUtility

    set AcadObj = createobject("AutoCAD.Application")
    Set AcadDoc = AcadObj.ActiveDocument
    Set AcadUtility = AcadDoc.Utility
    Dim Point1
    Dim Point2
    dim a
    AcadUtility.CreateTypedArray Point1, vbDouble, 19.8161,19.7178,0
    AcadUtility.CreateTypedArray Point2, vbDouble, 19.8161,18.7178,0

    'the code below does not work. why?
    a= point1(1)

    ' the code below works
    AcadObj.Application.ZoomWindow point1, point2
    amartim, Jul 6, 2004
  2. amartim

    john m Guest

    is it because the array is zero based?
    do you really want

    just wondering


    the vector. Can anyone help me?
    john m, Jul 7, 2004
  3. amartim

    amartim Guest

    No, it did not work :-(

    I use Ubound and it returns me 2
    I use typename(point1) and it returns me DOUBLE

    I use any operation over point1 or point1(n) and I get mismatch error

    amartim, Jul 7, 2004
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