CreateLinearDim4 - What am I doing wrong ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by What-a-Tool, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. What-a-Tool

    What-a-Tool Guest

    I have a horizontal sketch segment that was drawn within a drawing view
    using drawdoc.createline2, and I am trying to create a non-associated
    dimension that displays the length of this line(top line of a square, whose
    sides are defined as dblLft, dblRght, dblTop, dblBott).
    No matter what I do I can't get this to display anything like what I need.
    Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

    dblXTxtPos = dblLineCenter
    dblYTxtPos = dblTop + Inch_to_Meter(0.25)
    dblDimVal = swLine1.GetLength
    dblTxtHght = swModel.GetDefaultTextHeight()

    vntDimP1 = Array(dblLft, dblTop, 0)
    vntDimP2 = Array(dblRght, dblTop, 0)
    vntDimPlaneDef = Array(dblLft, dblBott, 0)
    vntDimEx1 = Array(dblLft, dblTop + Inch_to_Meter(0.062), 0)
    vntDimEx2 = Array(dblRght, dblTop + Inch_to_Meter(0.062), 0)
    vntDimTxtPos = Array(dblLft, dblTop + Inch_to_Meter(0.062), 0)

    Set swDispDim = swDraw.CreateLinearDim4(vntDimP1, vntDimP2,
    vntDimPln, _
    vntDimEx1, vntDimEx2, vntDimTxtPos, dblDimVal, 0,

    My dimension with these figures comes out in the center of my sketched
    square(origin point), with the text and a single arrow displayed - nothing

    Has anyone ever used this, or know of a code sample somewhere?

    Thank You


    / Sean Mc /

    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
    - Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
    What-a-Tool, Jun 28, 2005
  2. What-a-Tool

    SWX-VAR-JP Guest

    One thing that makes it easier for us to help you out is to show the
    entire code for this section. If not, we do not know where the dbtop,
    etc values are coming from. It is very hard to help out with only a
    snippit of the code.

    Have you verified that the point values are correct for placing the
    SWX-VAR-JP, Jun 28, 2005
  3. What-a-Tool

    What-a-Tool Guest

    These variables (dblLft, dblRght, dblTop, dblBott) were filled with
    dimensions pulled from my models polyline pts.
    These are the values that were used to create my lines that I am trying to
    dimension, so yes, I am positive that they are correct. (And yes, they are
    in meters.)

    My sketch is of a simple rectangular box, and my code is simply trying to
    create a dimension relative to, and displaying the size of, the top
    horizontal segment of this box. The reason I want to use this non-associated
    dimension type is only because I don't want my code execution to stop for
    user approval of a driving dimension. This is just going to be a reference
    My box is defined by TopLeftCorner(dblLft, dblTop, 0),
    TopRightCorner(dblRght, dblTop, 0), BottomRightCorner(dblRght, dblBott, 0),
    and BottomLeftCorner(dblLft, dblBott, 0).

    Sorry - I tried to make that part of it clear without having to post
    extensive amounts of code showing how I came up with my polyline pts.

    What-a-Tool, Jun 28, 2005
  4. What-a-Tool

    What-a-Tool Guest

    Here is some code that will show what I am trying to do. This creates a
    front view of the part - if you change it to a right-side view, you should
    be able to see the dimension. No matter what I change, or how I change it, I
    can't seem to get it to come out where I want it.(I think in inches, so if
    your metric, you'll have to change a couple of figures)

    Sub main()
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As ModelDoc2
    Dim swDraw As DrawingDoc
    Dim swSheet As Sheet
    Dim swView As View
    Dim swLayerMgr As SldWorks.LayerMgr
    Dim swLine1 As SketchSegment
    Dim swDisplDim As DisplayDimension
    Dim blnRet As Boolean
    Dim lngwarnings As Long
    Dim dblLft, dblRght, dblTop As Double
    Dim swFile, strTmpltNm As String
    Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr

    swFile = "C:\Your_Path\Your_SolidPart.SLDPRT"

    'Create a new drawing using system default template
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.OpenDocSilent(swFile, _
    swDocPART, lngwarnings)
    strTmpltNm =
    Set swDraw = swApp.NewDocument(strTmpltNm, 0, 0#, 0#)
    Set swSelMgr = swDraw.SelectionManager
    Set swLayerMgr = swDraw.GetLayerManager

    Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet
    blnRet = swDraw.ActivateSheet(swSheet.GetName)
    blnRet = swSheet.SetScale(1, 1, False, False)

    'swModel is my Part Document (.SLDPRT)
    swFile = swModel.GetTitle
    blnRet = swDraw.CreateDrawViewFromModelView(swFile, _
    "*Front", (5.75 / 39.3701), (4.25 / 39.3701), 0)
    blnRet = swDraw.ActivateView("Drawing View1")
    Set swView = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject(1)
    swView.SetDisplayTangentEdges2 2

    'Create a new layer to draw a sketch segment in
    blnRet = swDraw.CreateLayer("TestLayer", "Test", _
    0, swLineCONTINUOUS, swLW_NORMAL, True)
    blnRet = swLayerMgr.SetCurrentLayer("TestLayer")

    'Draw my sketch segment
    dblLft = -2 / 39.701
    dblRght = 2 / 39.701
    dblTop = 1 / 39.701
    Set swLine1 = swDraw.CreateLine2(dblLft, dblTop, 0, _
    dblRght, dblTop, 0)
    Dim dblXTxtPos, dblYTxtPos, dblDimVal, dblTxtHght As Double
    Dim vntDimP1, vntDimP2, vntDimPln, vntDimEx1, vntDimEx2, _
    vntDimTxtPos As Variant

    'Try and insert non-associative dimension
    dblXTxtPos = (swLine1.GetLength / 2) + dblLft
    dblYTxtPos = dblTop + (0.25 / 39.701)
    dblDimVal = swLine1.GetLength
    dblTxtHght = swModel.GetDefaultTextHeight()

    'Define left pt and right pt of dimension
    vntDimP1 = Array(dblLft, dblTop, 1 / 39.701)
    vntDimP2 = Array(dblRght, dblTop, 1 / 39.701)
    'This, along with above 2 pt.'s, defines the sketch plane
    vntDimPln = Array(dblRght, dblTop, 0)
    'These define the start and end extension line pt.'s
    vntDimEx1 = Array(dblLft, dblTop + (0.0625 / 39.701), (1 / 39.701))
    vntDimEx2 = Array(dblRght, dblTop + (0.0625 / 39.701), (1 / 39.701))
    'This defines the text position
    vntDimTxtPos = Array(dblXTxtPos, dblYTxtPos, 1 / 39.701)

    Set swDisplDim = swDraw.CreateLinearDim4(vntDimP1, vntDimP2, vntDimPln,
    vntDimEx1, vntDimEx2, vntDimTxtPos, dblDimVal, 0, dblTxtHght)


    Set swApp = Nothing
    Set swModel = Nothing
    Set swDraw = Nothing
    Set swSheet = Nothing
    Set swView = Nothing
    Set swLayerMgr = Nothing
    Set swLine1 = Nothing
    Set swSelMgr = Nothing
    End Sub
    What-a-Tool, Jun 30, 2005
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