create text character?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by selmra, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. selmra

    selmra Guest

    i'm trying to incorporate into a table a character consisting of a "V"
    inside a circle - similar to existing special text. I've tried
    creating a symbol and using &sym() but I haven't found a way to center
    it vertically in the cell. No matter where I set the origin it still
    locates the same position in the cell.

    My best hopes would be to make a text character similar to the existin
    ones consisting of a letter inside a circle.

    selmra, Feb 24, 2005
  2. selmra

    dakeb Guest

    Have you tried making your own font? We do this for our business logos, but
    I don't know how to do it myself.

    The help files say:-

    You can create your own font and set it as a default or auxiliary font in a
    drawing. For information on creating user-defined fonts, see the
    Pro/ENGINEER Installation and Administration Guide. Note that when you start
    Pro/ENGINEER, the system first searches the local directory for the files
    specified in the index file. If it does not find them, it searches the
    Pro/ENGINEER loadpoint directory. When you save user-defined fonts locally,
    you should move them to a new location whenever you transfer the drawing. If
    the system does not find fonts used in the drawings, it uses a different
    font and the appearance of the text changes accordingly. Therefore, you
    should maintain font files in the load directory area.
    dakeb, Feb 24, 2005
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