create solid from (x,y,z) data points

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by SunX, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. SunX

    SunX Guest

    how do you read in (x,y,z) points of a 3d surface to create an
    imported feature? The data points are stored in an ascii file. Do
    these points have to be in a certain format?
    Many thanks
    SunX, Oct 10, 2004
  2. SunX

    David Janes Guest

    : Gurus;
    : how do you read in (x,y,z) points of a 3d surface to create an
    : imported feature?

    If Pro/e is capable of reading the file at all, you should be able to create a
    surface with 'Insert>Shared data>From file'. Pro/e can read many different file
    types identified by the file extension. The program that created the file will
    have saved it to be recognizeable.

    : The data points are stored in an ascii file. Do these points have to be in a
    certain format?

    Almost all the files which Pro/e uses to construct geometry contain ascii text
    data. This is true, not only of scan point data but of iges, step and other export
    formats. Often these files contain a header which identifies the program that
    created them and the standard it followed. As to the format, the creating program
    should take care of this. Pro/e users don't usually have to concern themselves
    with this to import the data.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Oct 10, 2004
  3. SunX

    Jeff Howard Guest

    how do you read in (x,y,z) points of a 3d surface to create an
    Don't know anything about it, but...

    Use the Help "What's This" tool and navigate to
    Menu: Insert / Advanced / Blend From File

    Also, if you are using Wildfire2, check the Help in
    Pro/Scan Tools. Easiest way I know to get there is
    to open a file with an Import Feature (IGES, STEP,
    etc. data import), Edit Feature and What's This
    Menu: Geometry / Sample Data from File....
    (Click on one of the topics and "Show Navigation".
    I've never tried to figure out what catagory it's in
    going the regular Help Center route.)

    You can find more by doing a Global Search for
    "ibl" and "pts" (file extensions used for point files).
    Pretty sure there are example files to demonstrate
    the required formatting.

    Maybe there's enough there to get you started.

    Jeff Howard, Oct 10, 2004
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