create schematic from netlist ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Prasanna Tamhankar, May 13, 2004.

  1. I have a netlist created by Analog Artist, is it at all possible to load
    this back as a schematic (assuming I just have the netlist file and no
    schematic database) ?

    What I am asking for is the reverse process for netlist creation from Artist

    Prasanna Tamhankar, May 13, 2004
  2. There's not really a backwards process - there is CDLIN which can read a CDL
    (which is spice like) netlist, and produce a schematic, although it is a bit
    limited at the moment because it can't map the devices to whatever PDK you're
    using. The schematic generation was added in IC5033 (I think that's when it came
    in) - prior to that you get a netlistable view which isn't an editable

    Wouldn't it be better to get the original schematic - you've lost an awful lot
    of information (useful positional information, for example, which would make
    the design easier to comprehend) when the design was netlisted?


    Andrew Beckett, May 14, 2004
  3. Prasanna Tamhankar

    Simon S. IBM Guest

    I've used the CDLIN mentioned above in the IC5033 suite of DFII.
    Basically CDLIN places and routes the transistors on a grid pattern.
    This works fine for my purposes.

    However, as Andrew said, CDLIN generates a funky schematic.
    I find the distance between devices is large and regular in
    a matrix manner. There may be settings to control this, but
    I haven't bothered to use them as the schematics I have are
    all huge digital blocks which we change all the time in text,
    so I don't need to often mess with the schematic.

    Simon S. IBM, May 16, 2004
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